"Good, good, I don't think he likes me though."

"Mr. Eagercross? Yeah he doesn't like anyone! Don't worry, tomorrow's rehersals Saturday morning will go great!" 

"Hope so, thanks Mr. Todd, I'll be heading off to bed now."

"Good night, Cassie!"


********* Saturday morning

By the time Gracie and Milly were just waking up, I was already showered, dressed and ready. Unlike usual I caked a bunch of make up on my face. Since it was a Saturday, uniform code didn't apply, therefor, me wearing a low cut top, a short tight skirt and tights would be absolutely fine. 

"You're up early! Oh, and where did you go to get water? Great wall of fucking China?! You were gone ages, is that my skirt?" Milly rambled on. 

"Chill out, it's just for an hour, I have orchestra!" I replied. 

"Oh orchestra, with Mr. Todd," Gracie cooed. 

"Don' think I'm off that easy, Mr. Eagercross is the conductor, Mr. Todd just helps out. Plus, I don't see why you guys get so worked up over him, he's just another guy!" I said arogantly as I applied even more blush. 

"I don't think you understand, we've been going to an all girls school since 4th grade, the only boys we see are in our dreams!" Milly explained.

"Well not totally, there's always parties for the two schools," Gracie began.

"Go on!" I pleaded.

"Okay, okay! Well basically New York High School for Boys and our school are sorta.. connected, so sometimes there are events hosting both schools!" Gracie explained.

"Once we get to know each other, swap phone numbers, facebooks..." Milly said holding me at suspense.

"We basically get together, that's all!" Gracie said, ending it all. 

"Alright guys, I'm about to go, how do I look?" I asked the two of them.

"Well since you aren't trying to impress Mr. Todd, does this little look happen to be for Mr. Eagercross?" Gracie joked. 

"Eww, as if! Alright bye guys, I'll see you later!" I rushed out the door as I heard the two of them flop back down on their beds.

I casually walked down the hall, up the stairs and into the main music room. On the beautiful stained glass doors a note read PRACTICE MOVED TO زي

I stared at the note in awe. How was I meant to read this? G something, I thought. Alright, well G block is the extension of music block/geography. Okay, I'm getting somewhere, and the music rooms lead up to 6, so it's nothing passed G6. I took my best judgement and went to G2. 

I ran up to G block my leather bag which contained my sheet music bouncing about. I checked inside of G2; unlucky. I back-tracked to G1; finally. I opened the door and my somewhat trusty bag decided to explode on me. What I thought was going to be a cunning and sly entrance turned out to be the most embarassing moment of my life in the past year. "Why are you late, Ms. Clayton? We need a piano player!" Mr. Eagercross bellowed at me as I was picking up the sheet music. 

With the whole class staring at me, I took my seat at the shiney black and glossy grand piano. I took out the page long music he gave us yesterday. I looked around the massive classroom in search of Mr. Todd. Sitting in the back of the class instructing the bass players was Mr. Todd! He looked up for a quick second and gave me a smile. My heart pounded faster. I just began to play when.. "What is that doing out?" Mr. Eagercross sneered through his yellow teeth. 

"What the piano, or the music?" I asked.

"The music, stupid girl, you were meant to learn it by heart! It's only 6 lines, that's simple enough!"

"I don't have a piano, I'm sure you know that, and frankily, right now I don't think my mother has the budget to hire the over-priced practice rooms at this school," I snapped angerly yet calmly. 

Mr. Eagercross looked appauled. "Well that's unfortunate, how are you going to practice then? You must have some plan!" 

My face grew hot as I felt every one's eyes fall upon me. I begged my deepest thoughts to come up with an answer, but I had nothing.

"Oh, Mr. Eagercross, Cassie's mother and I had a little conversation on the phone, I'm sorry I just haven't had a chance to discuss it with either you or Cassie," Mr. Todd laughed, "but Cassie will be getting private tutoring and piano access with me after practice today and every other Saturday as well, any other time you feel is appropriate that she should practice let me know, I'll scheduele it in!" 

I turned around, shocked as ever. "Ah, I see, saved by the Todd, Cassie, anyway let's continue!" 

We continued on with the lesson, and for the rest of the hour I couldn't take my eyes off him.

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