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Rebecca wakes up after a couple hours to a large hand petting her hair. She feels the ring touching her scalp with each stroke and immediately recognizes who it is. She hums contently and cuddles into Damon. He smiles and kisses her head, cradling her close. Rebecca can feel the tension in Damon's body. She turns to see the sorrow in his eyes.

"Honey?" "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Are you okay?" She nods and kisses his chin. He holds her closer, almost protectively, and pulls the blanket up to cover her. She smiles and kisses his chest before raising an eyebrow at him. "When did you take your shirt off?" Damon laughs a bit. "You were so hot that I needed to take off my shirt before I overheated." Rebecca snorts and bursts out laughing. Damon laughs along with her and kisses her forehead again.

"So the House will be packed for a bit, we want to keep everyone safe." Rebecca nods. She spots the bloodbags and looks at Damon in a way that breaks his heart. There's a pleading look in her eyes, like she's silently begging for the blood. He hands her the bag for her quickly, then handing her his when she's almost done with her own. She looks at him in confusion. He shakes his head and offers it to her again.

"I'm not hungry right now and you need to feed." She nods and takes the bag from him, eyes full of hesitation. He encourages her to drink it and she does. Rebecca sighs and cuddles into Damon after she finishes, burying her face into him. He holds her close to his chest and kisses her hair.

"What if I told you that you could never leave this room again?" She snorts. "I would say in your dreams and walk right out that door." He gives a small chuckle, but Rebecca can tell that it's forced. She meets his eyes again and sees the genuine sadness in them. She cups his cheek with one hand and looks at him affectionately. Damon kisses her palm and nuzzles his cheek into her hand more.

"Please? At least until the Winchesters and Bobby leave the state. If you got hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with myself..." A tear escapes his eye and Rebecca wipes it away quickly with her thumb. "Damon..." "I mean it... I can't live without you. I need you. Just please... Stay here and be safe... I won't leave you alone I'll be right here but please..." A few more tears escape his eyes and she nods, kissing where each tear rolls down his face. She kisses his lips gently and places their foreheads together. Rebecca cuddles into him and sighs.

"Why can't they just leave us alone? If there was a way to get them to fuck off trust me when I say that I would do that shit in the blink of an eye." Damon nods and sighs, cuddling her closely. "I have never known a hunter to really listen to reason until you and Sam but am I crazy to think that I'll get staked if I try to say something to them?" Rebecca looks at him. "Stay as far away from them as possible! They will not hesitate to kill you honey please don't." Damon nods. "I wasn't planning on it, just a thought."

Dean groans as he walks through the woods, needing to get far away from John. He has a bruise under his left eye from the slaps John gave him and isn't too thrilled about that. He sees a property further down the path and raises an eyebrow. He starts to walk towards it but finds himself being pinned against a tree before he can blink.

"How did you find us?" "Look I was just trying to get away from my dad, honest. I wasn't looking." Dean falls to the ground as the vampire drops him. "You Sam's brother? Dean?" The Winchester nods. "Is he okay?" The stranger nods. "He's safe. He was beaten to hell but he's better now. I'm Stefan, surprised that you haven't tried to kill me yet." "I find this hunt stupid, no reason to shank your ass anyways." Stefan chuckles slightly. "Can I trust you enough to let you into our home? You won't try to kill any other vampire including my brother Damon?" Dean nods. "I'll leave all weapons by the door and make sure my cellphone is off completely, don't know if they can track me or now." Stefan nods and takes Dean's weapons as he shuts off his phone. They head for the house and enter in together. Vicki notices and tightens her grip on Jeremy's hand. Sam looks at his brother and the bruise under his eye and groans.

"You too?" Everyone turns to look at Dean and he just shrugs. "It's dad, Sammy. Beating the shit out of me is kind of his hobby." Sam laughs a bit and nods. The tension in the room starts to slowly decrease as everyone notices that Dean is no threat. Rebecca walks downstairs with Damon following closely behind. She rolls her eyes and grabs the cream that she used on Sam for Dean's face. She looks frustrated by him being there which means that Dean will make it worse, when she's mad she sounds a lot like Bobby especially with the southern accent.

"Dean I swear imma kick your ass. Sit down, you damn idjit." "Will do." He sits down and she applies it to his face. "Why do you have to provoke John? Stupid shit." Dean gives her a smirk, letting her know what he's going to say. She groans. "Don't." "Well sorry that I can't just sit by and listen every time, Bobbi girl." She slaps his head and flips him off, making him and Sam laugh. Damon watches closely. "Who let him in?" "I did, Damon. He's unarmed." Damon nods and pulls Rebecca back into his arms by her hips. She rests her back against his chest and rolls her eyes. Dean raises an eyebrow.

"He good to you?" Rebecca nods. "He's the best thing to ever happen to me, De. I love him." Dean nods, then gets a bit tense. "And you're both vamps?" She nods again. "Hell if it keeps dad away I'll do it again. Plus it keeps me with Damon." The Salvatore smiles at her and kisses her head gently. Rebecca gives a small giggle and smiles. Dean runs a hand over his face and sighs. Sam shoves him and makes him fall onto the floor, causing a Winchester brother wrestling match to occur.

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