John is Horrible, Dean may be good, and a look into Rebecca's Past

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Sam grunts when he falls onto the couch, badly bruised and slightly bleeding from his head. Damon throws a towel at his head, startling him.

"The blood. Becky is struggling to remain calm." Sam nods in understanding and wipes the blood away. Damon covers up the head wound quickly before he looses control. He then checks the hunter for any other wounds. Once he sees that Sam is fine, he grabs a blood bag and rushes it upstairs to Rebecca.

Damon looks at his girlfriend and his heart breaks. Rebecca is clutching her throat and rocking herself in the center of the bed, a pained expression on her face. Damon places a hand on her shoulder and tries not to take how violently she flinches personally. He hands her the blood and she drinks it desperately. Damon takes Rebecca into his arms and strokes her hair as she drinks. Her body trembles as she satisfies her hunger. Damon kisses the excess blood off of her lips and chin and they go downstairs together, not really caring that Rebecca still has blood on her.

Sam sees Rebecca with a bit of blood on her shirt and his eyes widen drastically. She looks down at the blood and shakes her head. "A blood bag. I didn't feed on anyone. Plus if I didn't I might've attacked you." The hunter nods in understanding and gives her a crooked grin. "John didn't hurt you too bad did he?" Rebecca's voice is dripping with concern for Sam. He shakes his head. "He's done worse before, Becky. Don't worry I'll be doing flips in like two hours." Rebecca can't help but laugh a bit at Sam's comment. Damon keeps his arm wrapped around Rebecca's waist.

Vicki goes to the hunter's table, trying not to be anxious about the lack of Sam. She places down food and drinks for the three remaining men. Bobby notices that she has a ring like the other vampires and raises an eyebrow. Vicki puts on a fake smile. "Anything else I can get you?" "How about where the Salvatores' live. Or is that some trade vamp secret?" He points at her ring and she looks instantly uncomfortable. She backs away from the table and rushes to get to where she can be safe.

Tyler's phone goes off and he groans. "It's Vicki. They know she was turned too." Bonnie looks at him with concern in her eyes. Jeremy sends a text to Rebecca and Elena, letting them know to be careful. Jeremy then sends a text to Vicki that she can go to the boarding house and she'll be safe there. Vicki sends an 'okay' and rushes there, letting the others know where she is. Matt gives the hunters their check. "Take your time, just bringing it now." He walks off and finishes what he needs to get done. Tyler, Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy get up and leave, determined to make sure that everyone is okay at the boarding house.

John pays for the check and they leave, curious where Sam went. They return to their motel rooms and discover that Sam didn't come back, meaning that he's probably with Rebecca and the others. John and Bobby look pissed while Dean is just confused. He tries to text his brother and gets a bit worried when he doesn't get a response for a good twenty minutes. Bobby looks at Dean. "What?" "Just trying to get ahold of Sammy." "Don't. Your brother is a traitor and we don't need that right now." Dean looks at his father in shock. "He's still my brother and he hasn't done anything wrong!" John slaps him once. "Raise your voice at me again Dean I fucking dare you!" The younger Winchester flinches and sits down on his bed, not wanting to piss him off further.

Bonnie and the others enter the boarding house and there's a collective wince when they all see Sam, he took his shirt off so that Rebecca could get a better look at his bruises and treat them the best that she can. Everyone in the room can see the guilt on her face.

"You shouldn't have just le-" "Becky. It was either dad beat my ass for the millionth time or Damon and possibly you getting killed. Trust me when I say this isn't the worst I've gotten." "I know it isn't. Dean and I had to stitch you up before and don't even get me started on broken bones..." She rubs some kind of medicated cream over his bruises to decrease any pain or swelling. He kisses her head in a brotherly way and goes to put his shirt back on. She sighs and hugs Damon for a bit of comfort as Sam greets everyone else. Vicki looks very anxious.

"Will they come after me too?" Sam shrugs. "You're not their target so I don't know when or even if they will come get you. Chances are they may just ignore you altogether, but stay cautious though." "They're very unpredictable those three." "Dean texted me twenty minutes ago... Listen to this. 'Sammy, I don't know where you are but please let me know you're okay. Dad and Bobby are pissed and it's not smart to head back here.' And another one right now. 'Dad called you a traitor and is more furious. Don't come back, he's in a swinging mood and he already hit you once today. Tell Victoria or Rebecca or whatever the hell her name is that I'm sorry this shit is happening and I hope she stays safe. Be careful, little brother.' Damnit..."

"When is John ever going to fucking stop?... We need to get Mary from the grave to tell him to fuck off with the hunting." "My dead mother would take his side, she was the hunter before dad and her family got him into hunting, remember?" "Oh yeah dad told me about that. Welp." Both Sam and Rebecca start laughing a bit. Everyone else is heartbroken to hear about their pasts and how Sam's brother is being treated right now. Damon tightens his grip on Rebecca, causing her to look at him. He has so much concern in his eyes.

"How bad was your childhood before you came here...?" Rebecca lets out a sigh and her eyes meet Sam's. She then looks back to everyone else in the room, gesturing that people might want to sit down.

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