Meeting Everyone and Present Day (Edited)

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The next morning, Brooklyn notices the pendant around her neck. Bonnie is still asleep so the girl gets out of bed as quietly as possible, finding Sheila in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in her hands. The older woman smiles at her new charge.

"Good morning. Hope you slept well." "I did. What is this? I didn't have it when I fell asleep." "It's a little pendant that's supposed to bring protection to whoever wears it." "Like a spell?" "Yeah." "Does it work or just has meaning?" "It will work." Brooklyn lets a bit of a knowing smile grace her features, acknowledging that she understood the unspoken admission. Sheila winks at the girl then sips her coffee, allowing the warm silence to envelop the room before Bonnie wakes up almost an hour later.

Bonnie takes Brooklyn to school with her the following Monday, introducing her to Elena and Caroline. Elena is polite and quiet, but Caroline takes off before anyone can stop her. The mortification is evident on Bonnie's face when her friend doesn't shut up.

"So why did your family abandon you? What's wrong with your face? Why are you so skinny?" "CAROLINE!" Brooklyn looks like she might cry, earning a sympathetic look from Elena. "Ignore her. I'm Elena. I really like your birthmark by the way, it's unique and makes your eyes look even prettier." "T-thank you, Elena... I'm Brooklyn..." "Thank you Elena for being normal." Caroline only rolls her eyes.

Throughout the rest of the day, Rebecca met Matt and Vicki Donovan, Elena's brother Jeremy, and Tyler Lockwood. Everyone is very nice and Brooklyn feels undeserving off all the attention. She doesn't vocalize this though, afraid that people may see it as her being ungrateful.

Four years later, Brooklyn Winters is much more confident. She still lives with Sheila and she now helps out when she can when it comes to her witch things. She wears her pendent nonstop still, loving the look and protection it provides. She's gained weight and on the chubby side, but still sees how beautiful she is and doesn't get insecure about her body. She still keeps her hair short and straight, recoloring it black when she needs to. She's sitting with her three best friends at the Grill when they walk in.

Heads turn to see the two beautiful gentlemen walk in. The dark haired, taller one immediately locks eyes with Brooklyn. Him and the other guy walk straight to their table, still almost all eyes on them. The shorter of the two with the brown hair seems a bit put off by the stares but the taller male relishes in it.

"Well hello gorgeous~ My name is Damon Salvatore and this is my little brother Stefan." "Hello, ladies." "I'm Caroline!" The blonde just throwing herself at the boys, neither of them paying attention to her. Stefan starts talking to Elena and there's an instant connection there that is very visible. Bonnie nudges Brooklyn to talk to Damon. The dark haired man raises an eyebrow in amusement.

"I-I'm Brooklyn..." Damon kisses her knuckles, leading the girl to wonder when he even grabbed her hand. He helps her stand and walks outside with her to talk with her. They stand in the alley beside the building, Damon slightly looming over Brooklyn.

"Did you feel that?" "W-what...?" "That connection... I feel like I want to get to know you." "Me too..." She takes a good look at him and realizes something. "You..." "Hmm?" "You're a vampire aren't you...?" He looks at her in shock. She lifts her shirt self-consciously to show her anti-possession tattoo, which has faded a bit. Bobby forced her to get it when she was eleven. He looks ready to throw her when she puts a hand on his, causing the Vampire to slowly relax.

"I quit four years ago when I was thirteen... I hated hunting..." Damon gets closer to her and pushes her slightly against the wall. "If I bit you right now, would you kill me?" "No... You need to eat somehow right?" He grabs her by the face and kisses her. When he parts, he smiles at her red face. Their foreheads rest gently together as they look into each other's eyes.

"You're really something, you know that?... Fuck, how does someone like you exist?" She smiles at him. "You'll just have to figure it out, Damon Salvatore." "Indeed i will, Brooklyn Unknown Lastname." "It's Winters." "Brooklyn Winters... I like it."

Brooklyn doesn't want to get out of bed, too comfortable in her lover's arms. Damon kisses her head gently about six times in a row.

"Have I ever said that I love that you moved in with me?" "Maybe only a few hundred times." They both laugh. Her 18th birthday just past a few months prior so now they're much more public with their relationship. She hasn't turned yet, wanting to look a bit older first. Damon drinks a bit from her wrist and kisses the marks right after. Brooklyn smiles at her boyfriend and starts to separate from him slowly.

"Good?" "Hell yeah." "We should get up." "No..." "Damon." "Fine. I need to pick up the ring I got for you anyways." "Remind me of the purpose of it again?" "It's a pre-engagement thing. Fucking let me be corny." She laughs. "Okay cool guy." She gets up to get dressed when Damon playfully slaps her ass. She squeaks and Damon laughs at the sound she makes and the slap of skin on skin.

"Asshole!" "More like ass cheek." "Ugh! I'm gonna gain all my weight back so I can crush you." "Vamp strength babe. Good luck." She lost thirty pounds recently after she got close to 200 and got out of her small moment of selfhatred. Damon has helped her through all of it and has changed a lot, only for her though. He's still a major ass to most.

Once both are dressed, they head to the jewelry store where Damon ordered the ring from. Brooklyn starts browsing and walking around when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She turns around expecting Damon, but sees a very tall guy with hazel eyes and long brown hair.

"Victoria?" "...S-Sammy?"

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