The Hunters Try Harder and The Others are Involved

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That night, Damon and Stefan go to quickly stock up on blood, determined not to leave for a while to keep Elena and Rebecca safe. Elena is sitting in Stefan's room, calmly reading and trying to kill time. Rebecca, however, is fairly antsy. She cannot stop pacing in her and Damon's room, cleaning up everything she can, even reorganizing her bookshelf, anything she can do to distract her mind. Rebecca remembers how incredible her dad and the Winchesters are at hunting so knowing that Damon is out there makes her anxious as hell.
After another hour, Damon and Stefan return. Elena comes downstairs and kisses Stefan's cheek. She turns to face Damon. "Go talk to Becca. She's been panicking the entire time you were gone." Damon nods and hurries upstairs.
The moment he opens their bedroom door, he sees Rebecca pacing. She hasn't noticed him yet, ringing her hands together in anxiety. He closes the door after he enters the room, causing her to turn and face him. She rushes and wraps her arms around his waist. "Thank god that you're alright." He holds her close. "Elena told me that you haven't relaxed the entire time we were out." "She noticed?" Rebecca sighs and buries her face in his chest. He makes her look at him. "I can also smell a bit of alcohol on your breath. Since when do you drink?" "I drank for the first time at age seven trust me when I say I'm no lightweight." He grins at her. "Well why were you so panicky?" "My dad and the others know how to kill... I was scared that they would hurt you and I wouldn't be there to stop it." Damon can see the fear in her eyes and kisses her gently. "Relax, baby. I'm not going to leave you like that." She only nods into his chest and lets him take her to their bed. "You hungry?" She doesn't respond. "Let me guess. You are but you don't want to let go of me?" She nods. He chuckles softly and lifts her into his arms, making her cling to him. He walks downstairs and grabs two bags of blood, one for each of them, and goes back upstairs with Rebecca still clinging to him like a koala. He makes her let go and gives her one bag as he drinks the other. She cuddles him as they drink, not planning in letting go anytime soon. Damon keeps her close, knowing she needs the comfort.
Dean groans as he sprawls out onto the motel bed, him and Sam were supposed to find where the Salvatore brothers lived and Dean couldn't find anything. Sam has been purposely but not obviously leading him away from the boarding house, not wanting anything bad to happen. John and Bobby enter the boys' room and look at them in confusion and anticipation. "Nothing. There's not a single damn abandoned building in the entire town nor a property owned by anyone named Salvatore or Winters." John groans and runs a hand over his face. Bobby tries to think of different options. "What about Bennett? That's the witch that took her in." "Only the one house." Sam fiddled with a charm in his pocket that he noticed Rebecca put in there, making sure that the others don't notice. She added a note saying that it's for protection so he keeps it on him at all times. Dean looks at Bobby. "Did you guys get the stakes and bullets?" Bobby nods and puts everything on the table. "Distribute them." Dean nods and splits everything into four piles for himself, John, Bobby, and Sam. The youngest looks a bit uneasy. "Is any of this going to be used on Rebecca?" "I'm not using anything on VICTORIA if that's your concern. Vamp or not she's still my kid." The other two Winchesters nod in agreement and look at Sam. "She seems to still listen to you so you should be the one to convince her to be on our side." Sam nods reluctantly, knowing that's not going to happen. While the guys go over strategy, Sam goes into the bathroom to text everything to Rebecca.
Damon reads his love's phone along with her and forwards everything to Stefan for her. Rebecca groans and plays with her rings. "If he thinks I'm joining them, he's fucking crazy." Damon nods. "If any of them think they're taking my wife for eternity from me, someone throat is getting ripped open by my fangs." Rebecca laughs a bit and kisses his jawline. "Easy, baby. You know they won't come close to us with Grams, Bonnie, Stefan, everyone we know that knows about us, willing to back us up." "If this ends up being like the war vision in that last Twilight book, I'll scream." "You read that?" Damon shrugs and looks away with a scoff. "Of course I didn't, you're imagining things my gorgeous newly turned babe." Rebecca laughs and starts kissing Damon. "Talk more, my stud with the literature taste of a thirteen year old girl." "Alright, first of all. Bitch." Rebecca laughs harder than before and Damon jokingly glares at her. "I may be a bitch, but you still love me." "I do? Why don't you remind me why I do~" She giggles and takes his shirt off, straddling him. "Hope you had no plans until tomorrow." "My only plans are currently sitting on my abs so I'm all yours~" She grins and starts to make out with him furiously, as if their undead lives depended on it. His hands trail her now bare skin slowly, as if trying to memorize ever millimeter of her body through his fingertips. She starts to kiss all over his face and make sounds of pleasure nearly every few seconds due to him just touching her torso. She does every single thing she knows he likes and constantly whispers how much she loves him,  every word slightly warming his unbeating heart

Oh yeah, he's gone for her.

Stefan decides to take Elena to spend the night back at her home with her brother and aunt, not wanting to hear his brother all night. On the way to Elena's, he sees the hunters walking around and immediately looks in another direction. Thankfully, only Sam saw him and kept the others distracted. Once safely at the Gilbert house, Stefan sends a text to Damon that he saw them out and to make sure that they stay cautious if they go out. Damon sees it but doesn't respond, too busy.
Dean looks at Sam. "Something up?" "What? No. Why?" "You stopped at one point a block or so back." "Thought I saw something. I was wrong at second glance." Dean only nods and all four enter the grill.
Vicki, Tyler, and Matt have been kept in the loop of what's been going on. Vicki takes a quick glance towards Matt, silently saying that to watch them closely. She approaches them calmly with Tyler watching her. She smiles at the hunters. "Four?" Sam smiles and nods. She leads them to a table and gives them menus as her brother steps in. "Thanks Vicki. Can you go help out that table?" "Sure thing big brother." She approaches Tyler's table and acts like he's just a customer. Matt looks at the guys. "What can I get started for you four?" He takes their orders and walks off. Caroline and Bonnie walk in, smiling at their friends. They all great each other normally, including Caroline kissing Matt and Bonnie kissing Tyler, before they join Tyler at his table. Dean raises and eyebrow. "Isn't that the witch chick we tried to bag five years ago?" "Wait. Everyone at that table left with Victoria after I talked to her. Those two servers too." All four share a look, Sam remaining quiet since he knows that Bonnie is Rebecca's best friend. Jeremy walks in and joins the group, kissing Vicki before he sits down. Dean nudges Sam. "Go talk to them. Chances are they know positive things about you." Sam rolls his eyes and walks over. Bobby, John and Dean look confused as Bonnie gets up to hug Sam and Jeremy fist bumps him.
"What do the others think right now?" "They're probably figuring out that I've been lying about knowing where Becky and the others live." "You gonna tell them?" Vicki looks at him, not yet knowing Sam. "Of course not. I promised to keep my pseudo sister safe and happy. I'm not gonna jeopardize that to not get the shit beat out of me by my dad." She looks at him sympathetically and rubs his arm. Sam gives a reassuring smile before returning to the other hunters.
Bobby raises an eyebrow. "You know them?" "I met Bonnie and Jeremy at the library and I talked to Bonnie about literature while I gave Jeremy some work out tips." John looks ready to hit him and everyone can tell. "Sam. Outside. Now." "For what?" "Withholding information." John gets up and starts to walk outside. Sam takes a deep breath before following. Dean runs a hand over his face and Bobby takes a sip from his flask that he keeps on his shirt. Bonnie sends a text to Rebecca.
Damon holds Rebecca close as they relax afterwards. She notices her phone go off and looks st Damon. "Listen to this. 'Sam just lied to his dad and the others to make sure that you stay hidden and he's taking him outside. The other two look nervous, will he be okay?' That was from Bon... Sammy's getting beaten for protecting me that's not right!" "Hey hey try to relax." He kisses her forehead and replies to Bonnie saying that Sam will be fine and that he's stronger than he looks. Damon holds Rebecca close to him in hopes of helping her calm down.
About twenty minutes later, Damon hears someone barge in to the house. He immediately gets defensive until he recognizes the smell of the person, along with the scent of blood. Rebecca smells it too and wakes up. "D-Damon..." "Stay up here until you know you can handle it. I'll bring you some blood so that you can satisfy your hunger without hurting him." He kisses her head and puts on pants before going down to aid their injured intruder.

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