Brooklyn Turns and Reunion (Edited)

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Once they get back to the boarding house, Brooklyn looks at Damon. She crosses her arms over her chest and juts one hip out. She raises a single eyebrow before speaking to her boyfriend.

"Overkill much?" "His fault for laying a hand on you." He grips onto her hip and pulls her close. "No one touches you and gets away with it." Brooklyn shivers in excitement. "Damnit, I can never be mad at you! You're too hot..." He gives her his signature grin. He lifts her into his arms and speeds upstairs, throwing her onto the bed. She bounces slightly and he's instantly on top of her, shirt already removed. His lips graze the cartilage shell of her ear, knowing that action always drives her crazy.

"Who do you belong to?" "Y-You..." "Damn right~" He bit into her neck and drank only a little. "Brooklyn... Fuck, I love you. I really do. I never thought in all these years I would love someone as much as I love you." He takes her shirt off and kisses her torso. "Damon..." He starts kissing her lips gently. This wasn't pointless sex, it never was. Whenever her and Damon are in bed, he WORSHIPS her body the entire time. They don't just fuck, it's much more than that and Brooklyn lives for every moment of it.

"I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. Let me turn you. Right. Now." Brooklyn nods and looks at him. He bites his wrist and offers it to her. Brooklyn grabs it and drinks greedily from his arm. While she drinks, he grabs another ring from the bedside table. She detached from Damon's wrist and looks at the ring. Her eyes widen at the sight of the familiar looking ring and a smile tugs at her lips.

"It's..." "It's just like mine, baby. Bonnie and her grandma made it for you. After we finish this and you turn, we're going out." She nods and sits up a bit more, showing him her neck. "Go for it." Damon puts his hands in the proper position, but pulls them away. Brooklyn looks at Damon before placing a hand gently on his cheek. The man rubs his face against the small hand as she strokes the skin of his cheek gently with her thumb.

"I... I need Stefan to do it... I don't even want to think of hurting you..." Brooklyn nods and grabs her phone, texting Stefan the situation. She doesn't take her hand away from her love's face for even a second the whole time. Stefan appears within a minute and looks her directly in the eye.

"Ready?" She nods as Damon gets up to leave, kissing her palm gently. "I'm going to get her some blood for when she wakes up..." He leaves and Stefan snaps her neck.

About an hour later, Brooklyn wakes up. She looks next to her, seeing Damon lying down beside her. She touches his face and he looks at her, smiling gently. Damon's own large hand gently touches Brooklyn's cheek before she cuddles into him, eliciting a chuckle from the man.

"Hungry?" She only nods, smelling the blood instantly. He gives her a blood bag and she drinks it greedily. When she finishes, she runs a hand through her own hair. She notices that she's wearing the new ring now and smiles. Damon gently kisses the ring to get his girlfriend's attention, causing Brooklyn to lock eyes with him.

"We should get you to feed on someone to be safe. I'll be there the entire time to make sure that no one dies but that you get properly fed. I'll have two people that way you transfer to the other when it becomes too much for the first person. I know that you'll feel horrible if someone gets hurt." She nods again and Damon helps her get dressed, knowing she's still a little drained.
He takes her to the high school during football practice. Damon grabs two guys and compels them into helping out. Brooklyn starts to drink from the first guy until Damon makes her switch. After she stops from the second guy, Damon fixes the two guys up and sends them away. He pulls her close to him.

"How do you feel?" "Amazing..." They kiss gently and he walks with her back into town, towards the Grill.
Dean, Sam, John, and Bobby are sitting at a table at the Grill, finished with their case but now focused on helping Victoria. They refuse to call her Brooklyn, thinking she's been tricked. They see Brooklyn and Damon walk in and walk over to their friends. They see the ring on Brooklyn's right hand that matches Stefan and Damon's rings. Bobby growls quietly, knowing what's going on. John turns to his friend.

"What does that ring mean?" "She wasn't wearing it when we talked earlier..." "The son of a bitch turned her... She's a vamp like him now..." The three other hunters look at their friend, disheartened by his despair. They all can see that she looks really happy, but Bobby still wants to talk to her. He sees Brooklyn get up to go to the bathroom to finish a blood bag in her purse, he decides to wait for when she comes out.

Brooklyn emerges from the bathroom, positive that it's not obvious what she did. She starts to walk back until someone stops her.

"Victoria?" She freezes and looks at him. "D-dad...?" "Oh thank heaven that you're alright." She can tell that he wants to hug her. She flings herself into his arms and he hugs her tightly.

"What did they do to you, Tori?" She looks at him. "The people here took care of me... And it's Brooklyn now dad... I'm so happy here..." "But you're a vamp... Because of that damn Salvatore." "How did... Wait, it was you! You were the guy trying to kill Damon all this time! You know what? Stay away from me and my friends." She walks back to the table, obviously irritated. She stands beside Damon and sighs, fed up with everything.

"Can we go home?" Damon nods, sending a glare towards the hunters. Everyone at the table leaves with them.

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