chapter 10: who did this?

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oswald pov||

"Bendy?" I ran towards him to see if he was injured, but he wasn't; he was unconscious and cold. I picked him up and ran to find mickey. I kept calling for his name but I'm assuming he left with Donald for something that I have no idea of, I putted bendy down on the couch and looked around for some evidence then all of a sudden I see the window open with the wind blowing in, I went to the window to close it until I saw cuphead, mugman, Boris and Felix looking and calling his name. I could tell how worried Felix was and so was the wolf; Boris.

Felix POV||

'Fuck! I hope he didn't get's been a couple hours since he left for a drink' I thought in my head, but after awhile of searching, I see Oswald's hand waving trying to get my attention and the others. I ran to the house with the others following behind while Boris was next to me running, "Oswald! Have you seen ben-" "BENDY!!" I got cut off by Boris whimpering out his name and went to him; cradling bendy.

Y/n POV||

I started to wake up from someone saying 'bendy' in the living room. I didn't really feel like getting up because I felt a bit sore from after all of that with Oswald, so I just decided to get up and change then left the room walking a bit weird most likely in pain. "Oswald? What's going on here?" Everyone looked at me if they never seen me before, Oswald was in the kitchen with Felix getting a drink while explaining. I looked down to see Boris with bendy in his arms, " what's wrong with bendy? He looks unconscious " " h-he is..but I don't know when he wakes up" Boris sniffs a little fro the dried up tears. Cuphead kept looking at me if he wanted to say thing, then he looked to see on my clothes there was blood but just a bit though.

Cuphead POV||

"By the way..y/n where did that blood come from?" "Wha-wait there's no blood on m-" y/n paused as they looked down and saw while blushing deeply red.

Oswald POV||

I come out of the kitchen with Felix, Felix understood about everything then Felix stopped and looked at the window to figure something but nothing would come in his head right. " hey Felix? Are you okay? Do you wanna spend the night here?" "No I'm fine, I'm just thinkin-" I get cut off by a cough from bendy waking up finally.

Narrator's POV||

As everything was settle,bendy was sound asleep in cuphead's arms but getting tired as well too. " I guess we'll just sleep here for one night" Felix starred outside of the open window, Oswald came up behind him hugging him but Felix didn't do anything but stayed stiff without a word coming out of him. Y/n started to get a bit sick from the pain so y/n just laid down on the couch tired. After a couple of minutes passed, Oswald brought y/n to their room and brought Felix to Oswald's room, everyone else was sound asleep but on the other hand, Felix was feeling a bit down and jealous because of y/n for a reason and he couldn't sleep as well too with all the thoughts going crazy in his head. "Hey Felix, I missed you so much" " liar" Oswald looks at him confused "what do you mean by that?" "You love y/ are using them as a doll!! Just leave me b-" Felix gets stopped from Oswald kissed him deeply, Felix responded back with a bit of moans and tears coming down.

Cuphead POV||

I got up for a drink until I heard soft moans and groans from someone's room, so I tried to see what was going and who was it but as I spied...I see Felix and Oswald making out for the longest time I could possibly think! I left them be, then tried to find y/n's room. As I knocked on their door, I could hear groans close by so that means y/n is in pain! "Y/n!? Are you o-okay?" I open the door to see y/n's clothes on the floor then I saw them naked I believe. I could really look around and run so I ran to them afraid to see what was wrong. "W-who..?h-hello! Please.." Y/n cries alot rocking back and forth.

Y/n POV||

" get me a bucket.. Now" he nodded his head and left the room. Then I get a knot in my stomach about to throw up. So I got up and ran to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet shaking; with a hand on my stomach...

(Sorry I have to end it here I'm really tired so night)

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