Chapter3: Sadly

Depuis le début

I nodded and looked down and put my head in my hands. He got up and sat down next to me. "She will be okay Louis she will be in good care if you take care of her"

I looked up and said "How do you know my name?" He chuckled and said "Daughters love your band" I smiled and stood up.

I walked to her room and sat down on the chair next to her bed. She is sleeping so peaceful and quiet. I smiled and grabbed her hands. I rubbed the back of them and made little shapes.


I woke up to someone moving. I looked up and saw Catherine looking down at me smiling.

I smiled and said "Hey are you okay?" she nodded and signed with her free hand.

"My head hurts and where is my mum?" I then said "She left you alone here she moved somewhere I don't even know where..." she started crying and hugged her.

She put her face in my chest and then I said "I don't think this is a good time to bring this up but you have lung cancer..."

she looked up and her eyes were wide and scared.

I cupped her face in my hands and she put her small ones on my hands. "I will take care of you. I will stay with you though everything. Your my best friend." She smiled and nodded.

She then kissed my cheek and signed "Can you lay on the bed with me?" I nodded and laid down. She didn't have any IVs in her arm and so she wrapped her arms around my body and cuddled into my chest.

The door opened and walked in Harry and Zayn. Catherine is sleeping now but I don't move.

I play with her hair and Harry's says "How did she take the news?" I sighed and said quietly "She was sad and crying but she calmed done and fell asleep."

Zayn then said quietly "Does she know about her mum?" I nodded and Harry then said "Liam and Niall are on their way here" I smiled and said "Harry is it okay she stays at our flat she needs a home and her mum left today?" he smiled and said "Anything for you and Catherine"

I smiled and said nicely "Thanks mate" he smiled and the door opens and walked in Niall and Liam. Niall sat on the other side of the bed and so does Liam. We all make short talk and then the doctor walks in.

"She can leave today Louis and she will need to take these pills to help the pain she might get sometimes but only if she really hurt then give them." I nodded and took the pills from the doctor.

I shook Catherine a little and said softly "Love we can leave." she smiled sleepy and I help her up. She almost fell over so I just picked her up and carried her.

Liam signed her out for me and I carried her to the car that is I front of the building. I placed her in and got I after. She cuddled into me and feel back to sleep. Harry then said "Aww you two are so adorable"

I giggled a little and Niall said "Can we get food?" I laughed and said "We have to get her cloathes from her house then if she is awake food okay nialler?" he smiled and nodded.

Catherine's Pov

I woke up and I was on some ones lap. I opened my eyes to see blue ones looking at me. I smiled and sat up on his lap. 'What are we going to do now?' he smiled and said "Niall wants to go get food so I guess food!!" I smiled and jumped up.

I saw I was still in my pjs from the other night. Louis then said "All your stuff is in my will be sleeping in their is that's okay with you..." I smiled and nodded happily.

I ran to his room and changed into a red long sleeve flannel shirt with black jeans and white toms. I brushed my hair and let it go into it's natural waves. I put on a red flower crown and then picked up the red matching for lou.

I walked out of the room and saw Lou walking up the stairs. He smiled and I smiled and he said "I got to get changed one sec" I nodded and he slipped into the room I was just in.

I sat on the steps and smiled at the crown and my phone started to ring meaning a text. It's from Boo-Bear!!

From: Boo-Bear<3

*Hey should I wear a red or blue shirt? and Black or regular jean plus converse or toms?*

I smiled and texted

To: Boo-Bear<3

*Red,Black,and Toms*

A couple mins later the door opened to a Lou that matches me. He is wearing a red long sleeve shirt with Black jeans and toms. I smiled and stood up.

He kissed my cheek and I blushed. I then place the crown on his head and he smiled brightly. "What's this for love?" I smiled widely and signed 'For you we match now!' He smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you"


Next chapter will be NANDOS!!

SuperMan -Louis Tomlinson-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant