Chapter Twenty Three

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"I'm almost out! Just two minutes!" Nicole shouted into the phone that sat on the edge of her bed on loudspeaker.

"Two minutes? You said that half an hour ago!" My voice boomed through the phone; the irritation in my tone wasn't hard to miss.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that patience is a virtue?" She snapped back.

Now, in my eyes, I've seen no fundamental differences the sexes in terms of rules, but I know that is completely and utterly wrong for girls to take that long. I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time today.

"I'll tell you what's a fucking virtue- me with a bloody shot in my hand, I no longer care at this point. Can you hurry up? Please!?" I yelled into the phone and with that I hung up. I sighed deeply.

The party was just like the previous ones I had been to. Loud and very very drunk. I didn't understand why people didn't get bored of these. All you do is jump around like a kangaroo on a high. It must get boring after a while. I shook my head in disgust as I watched two teenagers puke in front of everyone.

"We are gonna have a blast." Nicole smiled at me.

"For sure." I replied flatly. Sure, she's reassuring me now, but I knew that- within an hour- she'd be grinding against Oliver.

"Glad you could make it!" Oliver interrupted causing a smile to widen on Nicole's face.

"Glad we came, it looks like it's gonna be a hell of a party." I replied sarcastically looking into the house.

Oliver laughed pulling us both into his body.
"You bet it is. Let's go and have some fun!" He cheered.

We entered the party and immediately the smell of alcohol hit my nose. The place was really crowded, one could barely walk without brushing someone else with their skin. Everyone was having fun so I made an effort to try and enjoy the party as well. After all I've been called socially awkward by an assortment of classmates.

"Okay! Okay! My turn! I shouted to Oliver, grabbing an M'n'M from the packet. I threw it up into the air and opened my mouth wide. Sadly, it missed by little and fell onto the kitchen counter I was sat on.

Oliver laughed loudly.
"You missed again! It's my turn!" He shouted back.

Me Oliver and Nicole were currently in the kitchen- him near the sink with Nicole and me sitting on the counter. We were playing the classic game of 'can you catch it with your mouth."

Nicole grabbed an M'n'M from the packet. She grimaced as she took it out.
"I don't like the yellow ones!" She whined, sliding it back in.

I rolled my eyes. This was about he fifth time she had whined about the color. I mean, it didn't affect the taste that much.

Nicole finally got the blue M'n'M and she smiled widely. She threw it in the air, but instead of throwing it directly above her, she threw it a few meters ahead from where she was standing. She raced towards it.

"I'll get it, I'll get it!" She exclaimed. Unfortunately for her, a small scrawny body who was just entering the kitchen caught it in his hands. It was Minho. I was shocked but concerned at the same time because he smiled at the M'n'M as if it was the first food he had seen in decades. The fact that it had been caught by Minho didn't deter her from her mission and she barreled into Minho at full speed, pushing him a bit but now knocking him down to the ground.

I shrieked loudly, getting up to see them. Minho's eyes dazed, as if the living sense had been knocked out of him.

Nicole held the blue M'n'M in her mouth and smiled meekly.
"It didn't touch the ground?" She weakly protested. I laughed at this.

Nicole's voice trails off but I don't say a word. I'm too busy staring at Minho with a confused expression on my face. I'm desperately trying to figure him out. My gaze flickers across Minho's face, calculating, concerned as if Minho is the hardest puzzle I have ever tried to solve.

"We need to talk, please." Minho told me void of emotions.

I wanted to end it there as I get the feeling that I'm going to say something stupid if I keep up with it. But there's a prompting expression on my face, and it's soon becoming clear to me that I'm incapable of telling Minho no.

I know, I know. It's been ages since I've updated, but I was blocked and dealing with a lot right now. I would've wrote but all means of writing were confiscated by my dad. But, don't worry I'm back to writing.
Please continue voting and reading. It means a lot.
With love

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