Chapter one

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It was Saturday and as usual my alarm was set up to wake me up at 7am with a snooze and slow rise sound. Somehow I hated Saturday's more than Monday's. I brushed me teeth, chucked on a jacket, took a bottle of water and jumped straight in the car. My dad usually drives me to school, making sure I don't skip class and go elsewhere with my friends. With my headphones on, he starts telling me the morning speech, antagonizing me and pointing out that I'm always in my bubble. School opens at 7:50am and as I stepped in I couldn't help but noticing there was a transfer student in the hallway. I was bullish about making his acquaintance provided that it was clear as day that he was Korean. We somehow clicked and shared a smile. Aforementioned classes started just a few minutes after I got there, and I wasn't given the opportunity to strike a conversation with him. First period was French, I wanted to take advanced placement classes to get more credits to improve my GPA but that could wait. I sat next to my friend Amber who looked posh even tho she was wearing a Bandana. Lea had orchestra practice and Kate was at the dentist. The minute Amber saw "Korean Guy" (inside joke k!) she looked at me and we instantly texted our friends. Lea said she had the urge of  returning at once to school and Kate wanted us to secretly take a picture of him and send it. In front of us there was Chloe, she is undoubtedly a bimbo, making us sneeze non stop with her perfume. Class began and our teacher told him to introduce himself. He certainly had our undivided attention, Amber didn't even blink. The minute we heard his voice our hearts melted, his name is Minho and he's from South Korea. He's a year older because with all the moving around he had a lot of catching up to do. We all said "Welcome" in unison and he blushed a bit. Class soon began because our teacher was stiff and uptight. We started intensive reading, my favorite. 20 seconds after it started we got new messages from our friends, asking if we had intel about him, his whereabouts, name, age (well the usual). We lost track of time texting and then our teacher suddenly mentioned our names and tells me to stand up and read. Amber had a cheeky grin and she was relieved that it was me instead of her. I then proceed with the reading. Minho seemed to be impressed with it, I could see a gleam in his eyes while I read. After finishing my reading I sat down, and Amber rapidly asked me with her questioning voice: Enzo what was that, what is this foolishness? And I replied: what was what? She the told me I never read like that, and that somehow I giggled. I rolled my eyes and she kept texting. Minho kept looking at us for some reason we couldn't quite comprehend and I found myself caught up in his stare.

So that's basically chapter one. I actually never thought of writing but I thought I'd give it a go. Anyhow hope y'all like it. Stay tuned for more.


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