Chapter Seven

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A series of thoughts, images and sensations occurred in my mind during sleep at Minho's House. Suddenly my world was tumbling down, I was experiencing something very unpleasant.

It was a cold and rainy afternoon, everything was grey, the streets were empty, it was literally ghost town. My friend Amber calls me telling me she has something important to tell me, by the sound of her voice I could notice that she was sad, she's usually the happy one that always makes you laugh when you don't even want to smile and grounds you with her sarcastic/true comments.

"What happened" I ask her the minute I spot her standing outside of Lea's place.

"I need to talk to you" she sighs

"Tell me!" I shout

"Lea is leaving" she replies with a sad voice, sorrow is more accurate.

"Please tell me you're kidding?" I reply with hopes that all of this is a joke, but deep inside I knew it was true.

"The embassy decided it was time for them to move to Australia, they're leaving ASAP" she informs me with watered eyes.

"I knew this was going to happen but not NOW, what is wrong with them?" I demand as she scowls at me, I was impassive.

"Enzo!" She hollers at me, trying to be strong because she knew this was going to crash us all.

I chance a look at Amber who was on the verge of bawling her eyes out.

We were all tied to the hips since freshman year and the fact of loosing one of us was kind of hard to swallow.

I had my earbuds on, I hug her tight for approximately 4 min. I was casually listening to "What Now" by Rihanna, she took an earbud and we found ourselves singing along. I can't believe this is happening, I keep it to myself. I couldn't actually put myself in her shoes, if I was sad she must've been wrecked.

"You know you're a world away, but we can jump on a plane and be there in a blink of an eye" Amber runs her fingers through her hair with her sad look.

"I know, and I hope you come visit me often" she replies smiling at us.

"You can count on that for sure" I say while immediately having a smile on my face.

I never slept this good and it feels good. This couch feels good, the soft comforter feels good, sleeping on his lap feels amazing. I could feel the warmth while he was stroking my hair. I sigh in my half-conscious state and try to get back into the deep sleep, trying to forget the nightmare I just had. But that doesn't happen because someone chuckles. Chuckles? Must be a cat. Wait-I didn't see any cat here. Wait-a cat doesn't chuckle, it only meows.

That's chapter six, due to unfortunate circumstances I feel low right now. And to be honest with you all that nightmare/dream was real, everything in chapter 7 is real. I'm just glad it's not happening now. Please go and read my friends fanfic Tattoo and 7 nights. Vote and comment. With love

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