'Even though Sting is really fucking lazy and annoying, i still love him As my brother. Well it's not like i love him as my brother..Sting is my brother. Not in a biological way but you know what i mean..'

'..I really care about him'

Without even really thinking straight the arrow slipped out of her fingers. A single tear streamed down her face as she looked at Sting.

"I'm so sorry.." she whispered to herself. Aiden didn't hear it, he just sighed a little relieved she finally let go of the arrow.

The iron arrow made it's way to the window and the sound of glass shattering filled her ears.

Rogue's eyes shot to the window and immediately widened.

(Y/n) wiped away her tear and lowered her bow.

The arrow hit the wooden wall and made it's way into the wood, a little bit away from Sting.

"We should go." (Y/n) stated while pulling her cloak over her head.

Aiden's eyes widened and he grabbed her shoulder. "W-wha?! You didn't hit him!" He hissed.

(Y/n) shrugged and gave one more glance to the two dragon slayers. Sting was rather surprised and looked at the arrow in shock.

Rogue just looked their way. His eyebrows were slightly frowned and he opened his mouth slightly, only to be grabbed by the arm by Sting and focusing his attention on him.

"I must've missed then." She stated while climbing out of the tree. She heard Sting yelling at Rogue about that someone tried to kill him.

Aiden sighed and followed her down the tree.

Rogue gave one more glance outside, only seeing that she was gone. He looked back at Sting and sighed.

"I almost got killed! How can you be so damn calm!" Sting shouted. He look out of the broken window and groaned. "Maybe if we'll go now, we'll still be able to catch the person who did this" he hissed while walking towards the door.

Rogue grabbed his arm and made Sting stop. Sting looked at Rogue with a pissed off expression and yanked his arm away. "What do you want?!" He asked.

"You shouldn't do that. I'm pretty sure we'll be too late" he said.

Sting grabbed Rogue's hand and pulled him towards the door. "Did you forget who we are?! Of course we won't be too dam late!" He said.

Rogue sighed and stopped walking. This made Sting stop to and look at Rogue. He raised his eyebrow at him.

Rogue looked at Sting and let go of his hand. Rogue sighed and looked him right into his blue eyes. "Sting we need to talk" he said with a serious voice.


"I can't believe you missed!" Aiden said softly while running through the alleys with (Y/n).

(Y/n) groaned and held the handle of her bow as they ran. "I already told you, my hands must've been sweaty or maybe the wind was too strong" she said.

Aiden stopped running and looked at her. This made (Y/n) stop too and make her raise a brow at him. "What?" She asked.

Aiden shrugged. "I should be asking you that damned question" he said with a sigh. Aiden ran his fingers through his hair and looked at her. "What is your relationship with Sting Eucliffe? Why didn't you just shoot him?" He asked while narrowing his eyebrows.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at the question and she blinked a few times. She stared at Aiden for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said surprised.

After all it wasn't a lie, she had no business with Sting Eucliffe after all. She just heard his name being said by Rogue sometimes but that didn't mean that she had any business with him.

Aiden let his arms fall next to his body. "You were having a weird feeling when you were pointing your arrow at him. Something that you've never felt when you do such things...It was kind of similar to the feeling of guilt" he said.

(Y/n) scoffed and crossed her arms. "Kind of pathetic that you actually think that i have business with the blonde haired idiot. I suspected that you'd know me better by now due the fact that we've known each other for awhile now" she said while turning around. She started moving again but now walking instead of running.

Aiden squinted his eyes for a moment while focusing on (Y/n)'s emotions. She wasn't lying but there was still something off. He shrugged it off and turned back into his usual goofy self.

(Y/n) sighed relieved when she saw Aiden run past her and run ahead of her like a small child. "Loser has to sacrifice it's dessert tonight to the other one!" He chirped.

(Y/n) chuckled at the grown up child and started chasing him. "Like hell i'll give you my dessert, Zero" she shouted.

She heard a giggle and saw Aiden pick up his pace. A soft sigh left her lips and she frowned her eyebrows.

She sure as hell wasn't gonna be greeted happily when if she came back without having achieved her goal.

The worst thing was probably the fact that there was a chance that this would turn into the heaviest punishment ever.
Hidou did trust her after all. He had been observing her for years. And now she disappointed him.
Hidou didn't like when someone did that. He hated it. He was so happy about giving her this job..She didn't want to imagine the things that he was going to do.

It was as if Hidou hated her from the start. As if she had done horrible things to him while it was really the other way around.

And all of that..Because of a friend she didn't want to hurt? Who she cared about too much?

Was Rogue Cheney really worth it?


'I won't leave until you've fully healed'

'You don't deserve that'

'You deserve better'

'I will safe you from that hell, no matter what'

'Lies. They tell you lies. You're strong. Not weak at all'

'You are different from those monsters. You're kind. You're brave and Beautiful on the inside unlike them'


Yes he was.


Author's Note:
Ahh this was kind of a short chapter compared to the rest of the chapters but i hope you guys liked it! I haven't had a lot of time to write latelt because of several things, but i'm slowly picking up the usual stuff again so i hope to upload atleast once in the two weeks soon again!

Also this book has been growing like crazy! I was really surprised when i saw the amount of reads that i had on only three chapters! This is way better then all the other books that i've written so far. Thank you guys so much!


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