the crucible

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This one is fairly recent. Over the Summer, I went to a week-long acting camp at Nashville's Children's Theater. My sister and I go every year, and are practically seen as veterans when we tell people how long we've been coming. 

"Since I was six," I say when the intern asks, attempting at small talk. 

They raise their eyebrows at me, "So you must really like it, then?" Is their usual response. 

I just nod, "Yeah."

 I can see why it catches people off guard. Most kids go for one year when they're toddlers, have a great time, up until it's the last day and they have to perform in front of everyone's parents. I remember one year, a little girl threw up because she was so nervous. On top of that, the advanced acting class, which mostly consists of older kids that have been here for two or three years, usually pulls a show with awfully graphic humor, or something not at all suitable for a toddler's viewing.

Like The Crucible.

Ms. K was my teacher for that week, which was a bit odd when I walked into drama class the first day of the school year. Anyway, she had us do The Crucible, which, I'm sure, scarred a lot of the little kids watching us. The ones that were paying attention, that is.

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