adult advice

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"Do as I say, not as I do."

I think it was a teacher who presented me with this phrase for the first time. I'm not sure what she was doing anymore, but she said it, to the whole class. It was a passive statement for her, too, something she'd probably hoped we wouldn't remember with our toddler brains. I did. She never really liked me, though, always had something to say to me in particular, and practically bullied me in front of my peers. Which is woefully ironic, because she had this whole thing about treating others with respect and kindness, and an entire speech about the words shut and up being used in correlation. Whenever a kid even uttered the, shall I say, cursed words, she would hold them back from recess with the rest of the class, get real close to their face, but not to close as to break the law, just close enough to feel her hot breath as she bombarded you with scolding, scolding, scolding; so much you couldn't even get a word in. That's what happened to me when I said it, at least.

I do not believe, that in her case, this was bad advice, because I in no way want to follow in her footsteps.

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