Aaron x Reader

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Your POV-

"YOUR A HORRIBLE BOYFRIEND!" "I NEVER LOVED YOU" " I ONLY DATED YOU BECAUSE I FELT BAD! YOU HAD NO FRIENDS" "JUST DIE ALREADY!" i yelled at Aaron while cutting him "i love you y/n" he said before falling of the cliff.NO NO NO NO AARON!!!!!! "Good job N/n" Ein said i smiled.Suddently i felled down on my knees my eyes turning green then e/c until they turned back to e/c i groaned in pain while my hand was in my head,i looked up and saw "him" "your eyes are...." he stared at me in disbelief "but the forever potion...ITS SUPPOSED TO LAST FOREVER GRRR" he growled​ and picked me up from my neck "You WORTHLESS BRAT" he said before throwing me of the cliff the afull words i said to aaron came to me "your a horrible boyfriend" "i never loved you" "i only dated you because i felt bad!you had no friends" "just die already!" then i blacked out.

Aarons POV-

I groan as i stand up...blood was everywhere...as i stood up...i saw y/n.....she was in a puddle of blood..... "y-y/n...." i whispered as i slowly walk to her pale body "no..." i picked her up ignoring the stinging pain on my body as blood drips my body losses balance,but i didnt care...i only care about y/n...shes all i have...shes my sunshine...my happiness...shes everything no girl has ever had.....y/n l/n...."Uh WAIT AARON!" garroth yelled running up to me "are you ok!? aaron?" he said soon he sees y/n in my arms he slightly gasped "y-y/n what happened to-" "ein..." i said my eyes started changing so i looked away "garroth hold y/n" i said and he nodded carefully picking her up from my arms ein will pay for this....

~A year later after everything

I looked at the window of the plane as i heavily sighed the memorys came in a flash.

flashback~after the fight of ein and aaron

I woke up in a strange bed i groaned as i looked around me...doctors and mister and miss lycan...and aphmau "h-huh?" i looked confused "Derek Shes AWAKE!" miss lycan said pointing at me "what? how?" he said walking up to me aphmau gasped "Y/n your awake!" she said speed walking to my bed and then caresing my hair "what happened?" i asked "ein trowed you off the cliff...you landed next to aaron and-" i cut her off "Aaron? wheres aaron!?" i said rising my voice "sh sh sweet heart hes alright" she lied lies hes not alright! "WhErE iS He!?" i shouted breathing heavily....they all sighed "aaron is in coma....he needs time to rest.....you....have too see him in a year" mr.Lyncan said making my eyes watery "n-no.." i sited on the bed and looked beside me.... Aaron...nononono! i got up but a stinging pain the doctors pushed me "stay in bed sweetheart your wounds are not completely healed... I'm still suprised you woke up early we need to do a few tests to see if your ready to go or if you need to stay one more week" the werewolf doctor said i looked over at Aaron and nodded sadly...aph hugged me "you'll get through this...y/n no matter what happens remember we are here for you..." aph said i smiled abit at her "alright everyone get out lets leave the doctors do the test...." miss lyncan said and so everyone left except the doctors (a/n:aaron ofcourse..) theh started doing an ex-ray then a blood test.......

"Miss l/n...we are sorry to say this but...you wont be able to walk again" the woman said my whole world stopped not being able to walk again.... "i-i..." "we will get a wheelchair right now so that your ready to leave" she said i slowly nodded.

Once they got the wheelchair i got in it "alright miss l/n you can now leave" one of the doctors said i nodded and looked at aaron...."can i.... say my lasts good bye?" i asked they nodded so i wheeled over to aarons bed.

I caress hes hair and cried "a-aaron...stay strong....i-i love you" i kissed hes fordhead i wheeled over at the door and the doctors opened the door aphmau and the lycans were suprised "n/n... your" aph cried "im sorry..." mister lyncan said said i jusg gave a weak nod.

~end of flashback

"thinking of what happened?" Melissa said,i nodded she sighed "y/n...i" she paused i looked at her "never mind"she said and i nodded confused "Ladys The Plane is about to land please put your seatbelts on" "excited to see aaron?" Melissa asked and i nodded "yep!" i looked to the bright side im seeing aaron again.

Once the plain arrived Melissa helped me get out the plane then helped me get on my wheelchair "thanks" i whispered she smiled "NO PROBLEM GIRL!" she gave me a thumbs up making me smile and giggle "oh? DAD!"Melissa yelled making mister lyncan turn around.He smiled making me smile "Melissa Y/n!" he said i wheeled over to him as Melissa walked next to me "good to see you girls!" he cheered "good to see you to mister ly-" he cut me off "ahh you mean mister wolfwere! also you do to have to be formal just call me derek " he said making me confused "huh?" "eh you see nobody knows that the lyncan family are werewolves so hey! i found away to hide our identidy!" he said "no one will fall for that da-" she was cut off "um mister wolfwere the suitcases are all on the house" the worker said mister lyncan-i mean derek nodded "thanks here" he said and gave him thirdy dollars "thanks sir" the man said and walked away.

~time skip~

"Ugh why didnt i lisent to Melissa now im lost!" i groaned as i wheeled to the beach yes the beach with my service dog lilith (a/n:you can choose what kind of dog is)...i look at the ocean as i sigh heavily suddently lilith looked to my right and ran "ah-lilith" i looked to where lilith ran...i saw aaron petting her,he looked at me then smiled.My eyes widen and my mouth was slightly parted...i dont know how but i stood up and falled but i tried to stand up again and again and as i was to fall on the sand again aaron catched me we locked eyes as we deeply stair at each other i looked at the cuts i made then looked down with tears in my eyes.He then lifted my chin up and made me look at him he smiled wiping my tears.I caress hes cheek as i hug him then we kissed.It was passionate and sweet..."i missed you" he said i smiled more "i missed you more" i said and hugged him tighter.

We were sitting at the beach watching the sunset lilith was next to me,me and aaron look at each other and kissed...once we broke the kiss he wrapped hes arms around me and said "you know...how much i missed being with you?" i smiled "heh alot i guess" i laughed abit making him chuckle "lets go mom and dad are waiting for us" he said picking me up bridal style "alright prince" i said and he laughed while putting me on my wheelchair lilith came next to me we started talking about what happened the past year...Me and Aaron were almost to tears...we both have been through alot but managed to survive...I was happy to see everyone again and so we started eating and talking...this day has been the best....

aphmau one shot reader x someoneWhere stories live. Discover now