Part One: First Impressions

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[Book 2 in Just a Kiss series]

More Than a Kiss

Part One: First Impressions

I open the door of the two bedroom apartment I've been living in since I was eighteen shutting the door behind me. "Honey, I'm home!" I shout through the empty apartment placing my keys down on the stand to my right.

I sigh loudly as I walk to the couch on the left to sit down all alone wishing June didn't decide to move out last week so I wouldn't be so lonely right now. She's so uncaring sometimes not once thinking how I would feel being stuck here in the apartment living by myself. I know she moved out because she wanted to get a place with her boyfriend but come on she could have at least gave me more than a week's notice. Now I'm the one here having to find a roommate to split the rent with or else I'll be stuck with all the bills. I could probably afford it but I would have to drastically change my living expenses when I really don't want to at the moment.

Besides me having to change my spending habits I would still be left alone in this apartment. I already know I hate being alone even for an hour which makes living by myself out of the question. I need some sort of human contact every day at home or else I'll never want to be home in the first place.

A boyfriend would make up for me being lonely but right now I'm not seeing anyone and quite honestly I'm not interested in dating. I already learned all my relationships end horribly and I'm not about to get my heart broken again so soon.

I pull my phone out of my front jean's pocket swiping the screen to unlock noticing the missed call and voicemail on the top left corner of the phone. I click to check the voicemail knowing it's probably another potential roommate I will have to show the apartment to and probably reject. It seems like most of the people that have been asking about the room end up being total creeps.

"You have one new voicemail. Sent at 5:43pm" the annoying computerized woman's voice says.

"Hi, I'm Ryan I was calling about the room for rent. I saw the posting online and I'm definitely interested. I just moved here from out of state for a job and I'm looking for a place desperately. If it's still available please get back to me at this number thanks." I hear a male voice say sounding too desperate for my liking.

I hang up looking back at my call history wondering if I should give him a call. What if he's just like the other people I've gone through and it's a big waste of time? First impressions give everything away which is why all the other ten people I never got back to.

I know I have no right to be picky but I do have to live with the other person. I know for sure I don't want a slop living with me that I have to clean up after or some weirdo that I can't trust alone. I guess I'll call him what's the worst that could happen after all since he's just going to look at the place?

I hit call feeling nervous as I do which makes no sense. Why am I nervous? Maybe it's because talking to guys have always made me nervous since I was a teenager. Hopefully he doesn't answer and I can just leave a voicemail. Talking on the phone isn't something I like doing with people I don't know.

The phone continues ringing for what seems like forever when someone finally answers. "Hello?" I hear the same guy's voice from the voicemail.

"Hi, this is Lukas you called about the room for rent and I'm getting back to you." I say a little nervous.

"Oh yeah hi, is it still available?" he replies.

"Yeah would you like to check it out?" I ask not sure what I should expect of Ryan. So far he doesn't sound like a bad guy but that's just over the phone.

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