Chapter Ten: Christmas

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“I will not allow my daughter to live with those…blood-traitors,” she said coldly.

“I’d rather live with the blood-traitors than you,” I retorted.

Bellatrix raised her hand and struck me across the face.

I gasped in surprise, holding my cheek. It stung and it raised a bitter hatred in my chest.

“And you wonder why I hate you so much,” I snarled.

Bellatrix gave another cackle as she pulled out her wand.

“Perhaps this ought to teach you to respect your mother,” she said. She pointed her wand at me. “Crucio!

It was like an electric shock, being stabbed to death, and being tossed at the surface of the sun all rolled into one.

A high-pitched, piercing scream filled the air, and I soon realized it was my own.

When it died down to nothing, I was left on the floor, sobbing. I couldn’t move, the essence of the curse still lingered in my veins.

After a moment, I regain a bit feeling, particularly in my jaw.

“You will never break me,” I whispered, my voice hoarse.


I rolled over the side of my bed, right into the floor. I sat up, not knowing where I was.

As the hot tears stung my cool cheeks, I remembered the day before where Fred and George had brought me up to the Gryffindor tower.

I hiccup, seeing Fred stir in his bed.

“Lu, why are you on the floor?” he murmured sleepily. “Are you crying?”

“I had a bad dream,” I said rubbing my eyes.

“Come here,” he whispered, he held his blanket up so I could slide in.

I obeyed without any protests, climbing into his bed next to him.

“Gosh, you’re freezing,” he said, wrapping his arms around me.

I didn’t answer. I pressed my cold cheek against his warm neck.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he mumbled, his hot breath caressing my scalp.

I sniffed and snuggled closer to the warm ginger.

In the morning I awoke to lights on my eyes. I cracked my eyes open to see the window bright with light from the snow.

In front of me was Fred, who still had his arms wrapped around me. He was fast asleep, his face looking rather peaceful. As I inspected his freckled face, I realized he was, in fact, kind of cute.

Oh, gosh, I couldn’t believe I was thinking that.

It’s funny how when I was younger, I would always tell Tonks that boys were icky and here I am, sleeping in the same bed as one.

Oh, God, I’m sleeping in the same bed as one.

I tried to wiggle out of Fred’s grasp, but his arms only tightened.

“Dammit, woman, stop it,” he growled.

I froze, looking into his brown eyes.

“Please let me go,” I groaned.

“No, you’re warm,” he mumbled, burying his face into my hair.

“I need to pee,” I said.

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