Different Identities- Ace Spectrum or Otherwise

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Asexuality is an overarching term. There are many identities that fall somewhere on the spectrum.

One end of the spectrum is "allosexual". Basically, allosexuals are people that experience sexual attraction. Pan, bi, and homosexuality fall under this term.

The focus of this update is the sexualities/other orientations, anywhere on the spectrum. This will mostly focus on the lesser-known orientations, but as a review I will cover all of the well-known sexual orientations as well.

Heterosexual- sexually attracted to the opposite sex.

Homosexual- sexually attracted to the same sex.

Bisexual- sexually attracted to both BINARY genders, male and female. (cis people)

Pansexual- sexually attracted to any/all genders, including genderfluidity, genderqueer individuals, transmen, trans women, demiboys, demigirls, etc. I may post another update about gender in the future.

Polysexual- sexual attraction to some, but not all, genders.

Asexuality, or "ace", is the lack of sexual attraction, or having so little sexual attraction it really doesn't make a difference.

Those who identify as graysexual rarely experience sexual attraction, or under specific circumstances. They may also have no desire to act on said desire.

People who are demisexual only experience sexual attraction after a deep emotional bond has been formed.

Now, there is another type of orientation- romantic orientation. As sexual orientation refers to the genders you are sexually attracted to, romantic orientation refers to the genders/identities you are romantically attracted to. There is a very large difference between the two- I may post an update on different types of attraction if you all would like.

Romantic orientation and sexual orientation do not always reflect each other. I, for example, identify as an asexual, panromantic individual with a preference toward femininity. This being said, I have been in relationships with cis-men in the past and do not regret these relationships, as the romantic feelings were still there. I myself am still trying to figure out the precise details of my romantic orientation. It is also perfectly okay to not know EXACTLY what your orientation is. Labels are not everything- being comfortable in your own skin is.

Romantic orientations-

Heteroromantic- romantically attracted to the opposite sex.

Homoromantic- romantically attracted to the same sex.

Biromantic- romantically attracted to both binary sexes (male and female)

Panromantic- romantically attracted to all genders- nonbinary gender included, such as genderfluid, nonbinary, genderqueer, or transgender.

Polyromantic- romantically attracted to some genders, but not all. This orientation differs from poly to poly. Please do not assume who a polysexual is attracted to.

Aromantic- experiencing no romantic attraction. This is the romantic orientation that is like asexuality.

Demiromantic- only experiencing romantic attraction after a deep emotional bond has been formed.

Grayromantic- experiencing little to no romantic attraction.

Please, if I forgot any orientations or there is a specific one you would like me to go into details about, comment. These are the most commonly known orientations- please realize there are many, many more.

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