12.. Abhi And Pragya Moments..

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Ragini was about to step out of the room, when Abhi said.. Ma.. It's good that you are here.. I'm so confused with what to wear.. Can you please help me to choose one..?!..

Ragini turned facing him and said sternly.. Why should I..?.. You are married and you have your wife beside you.. And hereafter she will do all your needs.. Abhi was stunned hearing her reply as well as Pragya..

Abhi walks close to her and Ragini stops him by showing her palms and says.. Don't come near me..

Ma.. Why are you behaving like this suddenly..?.. I got hurt in front of your eyes and you didn't even bother to show your concern.. Abhi sounded in dismay..

Why should I Abhi..?!.. When you can hurt and give pain to my daughter why should I worry for you..?.. You know what.. It is a big sin to hurt others and make them cry in pain.. And I never expected that, my son.. my values.. my upbringing.. my Abhi would do that.. Did you just realise on what situation she got married to you..?!.. She is your responsibility.. You should protect her.. you should shield her from all hurdles.. you should not let others to hurt her.. and most importantly you should never give a space for her to cry.. But I'm ashamed to say that, you have failed to do all this.. and I'm even more ashamed in admitting that, you have made her cry.. you have hurt her and given her pain.. I never expected this from you.. She completes in a fury tone.. and kept glaring at him angrily..

All the while Abhi stood silent and Pragya stood with agitation, since because of her, there is now a tiff between Abhi and Ragini..

I'm not gonna speak with until you realise, what you did with her is wrong..!.. Ragini says and turns to leave.. but stops hearing his rigid tone.. Fine, let it be.. Even I'm not gonna talk with you, because I didn't hurt anyone here..

Ragini flips her face and gives him a furious look.. And he gulps his throat saying.. I didn't hurt her.. I didn't do any mistake.. He says and walks into the wardrobe immediately..

Pragya was about to speak.. But Ragini rushed out of the room quickly..

"What is happening here..?!.. I didn't even tell her a word about him.. Then how come she got to know that, he scolded me.. Let me talk with her.. I don't want them to be rifted apart because of me..".. Striking her thoughts, Pragya walked towards the door.. But was strongly pulled by a solid hand.. Her head hit his chest solidly, and it took few seconds for her to realise that she is been captured by him..

She lifts her face towards him and Abhi bends his face to face her with a furious look.. I warned you right..?.. Not to let about our issues in front of my family.. Then what was the need to tell everything to Ma..?.. Because of you, she is.. .. he pauses looking at her tear trimming eyes.. and let her go with a slight push..

And Pragya says in a sobbing voice.. Abhishek.. I.. I.. did not.. I did not tell anything to her.. rather I'm confused alot, that how did she conclude everything.. I'm sorry that, because of me Ma.. .. she pauses for few seconds and then says.. I'm sorry.. your mother scolded you.. But I swear I didn't tell her anything..

Just stop it.. Don't act in front me with your so called tears.. You have already shown your true colors.. I know how heartless you are.. Then, how on earth, you will know what is love.. You know, how much I love my Ma.. And today because of you she was this much scowling at me.. I know that you hate me.. And you know that, how much I love you.. But I already said that, you hatred has won over my love.. Then what is your problem..?!.. The roughness in his tone was pricking her heart to the extreme.. Without her insight, her eyes were overflowing with tears..

Abhigya... Fortunes desire.. (FF) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz