"Hey!" I shout running to the door.

I opened it and found no one. I searched my back yard frantically. Then I decided to check my sheets I had pinned on the line. No one. Now I was starting to feel scared.
I backed away from the sheets and made a run back inside. I locked the door and backed away trying to breathe then..bump.

I hit something behind me and I just stand there shocked.

Oh god please help.

Scared out of my mind I turn slowly. Only to be met with dark blue coveralls. I shift my gaze up to a man under a white, emotionless mask, and dark mask hair. I felt myself go paler.
I screamed and backed away running around the table to stay a distance. Too afraid to go anywhere else.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" I ask shouting hoping someone would hear.

The man only stared at me, didn't answer. I was shaking and stood where I was feeling safe. But I wanted to know who my intruder was.

"Who are you?" I ask in a quieter tone still afraid.

No answer, no movement.

"I don't have much at all but if you leave I won't call the cops." I bargain hoping to get a response.

No answer, no movement. I couldn't even see the eye's of my intruder.

"If this is a Halloween prank this is taking it too far sir!" I now say getting angry.

Not even knowing how I feel I looked at my stairs. If I make it up there I can call the cops and escape out the window. I glance back at my intruder, he was just staring!
So I ran! I knocked over one of my chairs and almost got to the stairs until I felt one of the arms grab a hold of me!

"No!" I yell in panic!

The other arm swung over me and his hand covered my mouth to cease my screaming! I shrieked in his palm scared for my life! I squirmed and jolted to break free but no prevail. I felt like I was going to die right there and I almost cried.
That is until I sensed something I did before. The arms were holding me gently, just as I felt before but not sure where.
I calm myself but it was hard to breathe with the hand clamped over my mouth. After showing I was calm the hand moved hesitantly. When he lowered his hand from my mouth and rested it on my arm, I felt his fingers rub lovingly against it. I blurted a word as if a guess.

"Michael?" I ask very bewildered.

The arms around me held me gentle like, just as I remembered. Never being so close to this man, I felt uncomfortable after a few minutes I attempted to squirm away. I thought he wouldn't let me but he did. I turned to look at the masked man. It really was him, I could sense it.

"What are you doing here? How did you escape?" I ask now realizing.

No answer, no movement. Back at this again, but very different now that there's no glass.

"Michael you need to go back, you'll be in trouble!" I impulsively grabbed his wrist. Big mistake.

He pushed me back hard but not enough to make me fall. He was angry and that made me scared. So I stood there thinking fast on how to better handle this.

"Why are you here?" I then ask as hair fell to my face.

No answer but this time finally movement. He took one step forward. I didn't move, I trusted him.
He only reached out his hand and wiped my hair back slightly caressing my cheek. My heart stopped. The feeling was back but ached hard physically.

"You do feel it too." I whispered softly.

This is crazy, I never thought I'd see him again.

His breathing under the mask was calm and deep. Of course I wouldn't see his face, and I found it ironic he chose a Halloween mask with no emotion.

"What if they find you?" I ask now regaining my conscious and questions rolled like a log down a hill.

What if he plans on killing me? If he did I'd be dead now.
Why is he really here isn't he a killer? Killers have no need for love, but he's here.
Is it even love? I don't even know.

He notices my inner quarrels and took another step forward startling me. I jumped back barely an inch. When I looked up at him he towered over me like a giant. He seemed to just enjoy looking at me. I wasn't sure if that was weird or not because I enjoyed it too.
I reached out for his face slightly needing to balance on my toes. My finger tips brushed against his mask's chin.

If he's here then Dr. Loomis may look here too or his house. Where could we go?

"Loomis will look for you here. What do we do?" I asked keeping my fingers against his mask.

No answer, he backed away a step and started to exit my house. I felt a wave of anxiety.

"Wait! Please don't leave. Where are you going?" I ask reaching for him but a little too afraid to touch him.

He stops right as he reached the door. He turns and looks down at me. Some part of me understood that he'll be back. I nodded.

"Please come back soon." I begged like a child.

He exits.

Reunited! Ain't it great?! I know it may not be "oh my gosh finally!" But it's there. I hope I'm grasping Michael's character well and also a gentler side no one else has ever seen. Lmk
Anyways hope you liked it and leave a comment!
See you next chapter :]

Halloween: A new patient (Michael Myers x oc) Where stories live. Discover now