Chapter 15: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

While Claire was gone, Owen drove the van to a safe location, with Zach and Grey along with him. Godzilla and the others were prepared for the raptors to arrive. Soon enough, they did. The four raptors appeared out of the forest and lined up in formation in front of the Kaiju, lead by the Indominus herself. She grinned evilly as she saw Godzilla and the others in battle stances before her.
"You really don't know when to quit, do you?" She hissed.
"We're not going to let you do whatever it is you're planning." Godzilla said. He looked up at Blue. The face which once held a curious and polite expression now held one of contempt and hatred. The Indominus had corrupted her, just as with all the other raptors.
"Part of my plan is already complete, Godzilla." Indominus said. "I have created new life, just as your human friends had done with us."
This worried Godzilla and the others. They had no idea what sort of being Indominus had created, and they didn't want to find out. Unfortunately, Indominus turned to the side, revealing her creation to them. It marched its way to the front of the pack, in full view of the Kaiju. Godzilla's eyes widened in disgust as he saw it.
"Impressed?" Indominus smirked. She walked behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders in her pride. "This is Shin Godzilla. I made him with your DNA mixed with a little of my own."
"What the hell is that thing?!" Godzilla said. He wasn't so ready to fight any more. The other Kaiju were just as disturbed. Shin Godzilla growled in his deep monstrous voice. He was somehow able to recognize Godzilla despite never seeing him before.
"He's perfection." Indominus said, running a claw down Shin's bandaged face. "He may be incomplete now, but when his deformities heal, my creation will help me and my raptors bring about the extinction of all natural life."
"Don't be so sure, Indominus." Godzilla threatened. He had gotten over the shock of seeing Shin. He and the others got back into their battle stances. Indominus smirked again.
"Fine then. Raptors, kill them." She ordered, pointing a claw at the Kaiju before her. The raptors obeyed and lunged at them. Godzilla noticed they had embraced their dinosaur heritage, and attacked more like regular raptors than they had before. They moved more like animals and less like humans. He readied his sword. Even though Owen had asked him not to hurt the raptors too bad, he was ready to kill them if he had to. Luckily, he didn't have to. Owen suddenly appeared on his motorcycle and stopped between Godzilla and Blue. Blue immediately stopped running and positioned herself on all fours.
"Owen? What're you doing here? You're gonna get yourself killed!" Godzilla said.
"Relax. I know what I'm doing." Owen assured. He got off his bike and slowly approached Blue. She snarled up at him as he approached.
"You lied to us!" She growled.
"You're right, I did." Owen said. "But I did that to protect you. I didn't want to overload your minds too early."
"So you think we're stupid?" Blue snapped. "You never saw us as equals, we were just assets to you!"
"That's not true. You know it isn't." Owen said. He outstretched his arm to touch Blue's forehead. She didn't attack him at first. Something in her mind wanted her to go back to him. But the Indominus had more control over her than she thought. She turned away from his hand and growled at him before he had a chance to touch her. Owen backed away quickly, not wanting to be attacked. While his plan hadn't worked, he gave Godzilla an idea. He stepped in front of Owen.
"Blue, stop this!" He said. Blue turned to him, though while she wanted to growl at him, something compelled her not to. She felt the same thing she had felt earlier, and now she knew why. Godzilla's DNA was in her. He was quite literally a part of her. He began to approach her, but she didn't react the same way as she did to Owen. Indominus' eyes narrowed and she began to snarl.
"What are you waiting for, Blue? Kill him!" She ordered. Blue did not obey. Her expression began to soften as Godzilla continued to approach. Finally, he did the same thing as Owen, and outstretched his hand towards her. She didn't flinch or turn away. As Godzilla's hand approached her, she instinctively nuzzled into it. As soon as she touched Godzilla's palm, she immediately softened. All anger had washed away from her. Her forehead rested in Godzilla's palm for a few seconds, but she soon broke away. Standing up from her crouched position, she ran to Godzilla and hugged him tightly.
"I'm sorry..." She said.
Godzilla hugged her back. He remembered when Mothra said the raptors were practically like his daughters, and he almost felt that way now. The Kaiju, raptors, and Owen looked at the two in surprise.
"Um... what just happened?" Rodan asked.
"I guess Godzilla is the alpha now." Owen explained.
The Indominus was not as happy. "You dare disobey me?!" She shouted. Blue let go of Godzilla and turned to Indominus. Her anger seemed to return to her.
"You are no longer our alpha." She said. "You told us the humans had lied to us, when really it was you lying to us the whole time! You judge the humans for doing exactly what you plan to do. You're nothing but a hypocrite and a liar!"
Indominus growled and bore her sharp teeth. She quickly turned towards Echo, who was standing next to her.
"Surely the rest of you won't be stupid enough to follow her." She hissed.
Echo hesitated. She turned to Blue and the others, and then back to Indominus and her sisters. In the end she made her decision.
"Wherever my sister goes, I will too." She said. "She's right. You are unfit to lead us-"
She was cut off when the Indominus roared and slashed her claws across her face. Echo yelled out in pain as she fell to the ground. Blue gasped, but when she heard a low groan escape from Echo's mouth, she realized she wasn't dead, only knocked out. Though she doubted she'd be getting back up again for a while.
"Anyone else!?" Indominus shouted, looking now at Charlie.
"Well..." Charlie though for a moment. For Indominus, a moment was too long. She grabbed Charlie by her shirt collar.
"For once in your life, stop being an idiot!" She hissed. This was enough to influence Charlie's decision. She dislodged herself from Indominus' grip and ran towards Blue, hiding behind her.
"S-she's a lot s-scarier than she was a couple hours ago." She said.
Indominus growled yet again. There was only one raptor left. She turned to Delta, who she found was standing right next to her.
"I'm not leaving." She said. "Unlike the others, I respect a good leader."
Blue snarled at her sister, but Indominus grinned. "Glad to see at least one of you has common sense." She said.
"Delta, what are you doing!?" Blue yelled. "She's evil! She's only using you!"
"Of course you would say that." Delta snapped. "Indominus was right; you're not used to being a follower, so you want to seize control again. Well I'm sick of being your follower, sister. From now on, Indominus is my master!"
There was nothing else Blue could say. She knew Delta had always hated her, but this was a new low for her. But now the score had been shifted in their favour. The Indominus had Delta and Shin Godzilla, but Godzilla had everyone else. But even with the numbers on his side, Shin Godzilla still worried him.
"Everyone else stay back." He said.
"What?" Mothra asked. "But we outnumber them. Let's take them all at once."
"Not right now." Godzilla said. "I don't know what this Shin Godzilla thing can do. I wanna fight him myself before I put you all in danger."
Mothra hesitated, but eventually she nodded. While she didn't like the idea, she had trust that Godzilla knew what he was doing. She stepped back, and advised the others to do the same. At the same time, the Indominus smiled smugly.
"Ooh interesting." She grinned. "Shin Godzilla, show us what you can do."
Shin nodded and began to step foreword. As Godzilla approached him, he realized how much taller Shin was. Godzilla was well over 6 feet tall, but Shin towered over him at 7 feet at least. Unfazed by his opponents size, Godzilla drew his sword and held it at his side.
"I see you don't have a weapon." He said. "How're you gonna fight me without one?"
Shin responded with a low growl. "Weapon..." He repeated. He studied Godzilla's sword for a good while, and eventually raised his hand. The exposed scarred flesh on his arm began to glow bright red. Eventually, all the scars on his body began to glow, with his arm turning to a bright purple instead. This worried Godzilla quite a bit. Suddenly, Shin's arm began to smoke as the glow burned brighter. As he clenched his fist, a massive purple flame erupted from his knuckles. Godzilla jumped and took a step back as he saw it. The others seemed just as surprised. Even Indominus had to cover her eyes with her arm to protect against the brightness of the flame. Slowly, the flame condensed itself into a long blade. It almost resembled a lightsaber, but it burned much more violently. Shin eyed the blade carefully before slashing at the ground. It burned a large gash into the earth below him. Godzilla's eyes widened. He was able to do the same thing by summoning an atomic blade, but only in his super form. Similarly, the red and purple glow reminded him of his burning form. This worried him a lot.
"He's more powerful than me." He thought to himself. "Normally that's fine, but he doesn't know how to control his radioactive powers like I do."
He didn't get much time to think about it, because Shin was running towards him. With a roar, he jabbed his atomic blade down at him. He dodged out of the way as Shin drove the blade into the ground where he was standing. He was able to pull it back out easily. Godzilla prepared to fight, but he heard something in the distance. It sounded like footsteps running towards them. The closer the sound got, the more it sounded like two sets of footsteps, one being much lighter than the other. Godzilla turned around to see Claire running towards them holding a flare. Someone, or something, was following her. It looked like another Gijinka, but it was unlike any he had seen before. The others backed away in surprise as they saw it approach.
"What is that thing?" Rodan asked. Owen knew exactly what it was.
"That's the first Gijinka we ever made here." He said. "She came out unstable, so we kept her locked up. But now, looks like she's been released."
"What kind of dinosaur is she?" Mothra asked. Claire stopped running and put out the flare as the creature stopped following her.
"She's a Tyrannosaurus Rex." She explained. As she said this, the T Rex stopped in the middle of the area. She let out a loud roar. Even Godzilla was intimidated. He immediately saw she was much taller than the other Gijinkas. Most of them resembled teenage girls, but this T Rex resembled a full grown woman. She towered over Indominus, and practically dwarfed the Raptors. Indominus growled and grinned as she saw the new challenger.
"Finally, a real challenge from my own kind!" She said. She bolted towards the T Rex and immediately attacked with her claws. The T Rex's claws were much shorter, giving her much less reach than Indominus. She was still able to block the attack with her tail, which was much thicker than Indominus', and retaliated with a kick from one of her powerful legs. While the two fought, Godzilla and Shin resumed their fight. While Shin's atomic blades were practically made of fire, Godzilla was able to charge his own sword full of energy to deflect his attacks. Blue watched and took in the few fights, until she was met by one of her own. Delta roared and pounced on her, placing her claws on her throat.
"Delta, stop!" Blue choked. Delta retaliated by pressing down on her throat more. She grinned as she watched Blue struggle to breath.
"This is the end, big sis." Delta hissed. "Too bad we never got to have that big fight we always wanted."
Blue lifted up her leg and kicked Delta in the stomach, sending her backwards. With her newfound freedom, Blue got up and spun around, hitting Delta with her tail. Delta responded by laughing evilly.
"Ha ha! Looks like we will after all." She said.
"Delta, please. I know you don't want this." Blue pleaded. "Please, I don't..."
"Don't tell me what I want, Blue!" Delta snapped. "I'm done taking orders! I'm about to prove that I'm better than you. I was always better than you!"
Blue had no choice but to give up on trying to convince her. Her only chance to bring her sister back to her side was to fight her. And just like that, the battle  for the park began.

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