no answer •e•

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I nervously ring the bell of the huge house that was located almost in the middle of New Jersey.

I turn around, scared to see his face. I hear the door opening behind me and I start talking.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did this. I just.. we were young. And I wasn't ready. I was going to start college the next day. I don't why I'm trying to justify myself for this when I should be feeling this guilty for-"

I turn around and see, a pale, muscular, yet tired man. I stop rambling.

"I'm sorry, do you know Ethan Dolan?"

He's about to answer when I cut him off, "Oh my god. Did I really just ask that? I can't believe I'm so dumb. I thought he lived here? He bought this house and I remembered how proud he was. Maybe he moved. Do you know him? Maybe you bought it off him?"


I cut him off once again, "Seriously forget that I asked that, I just keep on forgetting. Wasn't this his house though?"

"I mean-"

"What is wrong with me?! Seriously, wow. But I travelled all the way from New York till here! And that's a long way her considering the traffic, you know!?"

"New York? That's kinda far," He says.

"Yeah, I know right? I just-"

"What happened?"

An exasperated sigh tumbles from my lips. "Three years ago, he proposed to me. Ethan. It was around 11 pm, and I had to start college the next day. I told him I would be back with an answer by the morning. But I left. I left and didn't come back... until three years later."

"Why did you come back at all?"

"Because I love him. I've always loved him."

"You loved him back then even?"

"I- No, I didn- Yes, but- It was- YES. I DID." I stutter before I finally say it.

"I loved him. I love him. I always will love him. He's been my everything. But the guilt in my bones is unbearable when I think about it even now."

"It's alright, at least you came back, right?" The stranger asked.

"No, no it isn't."

"Why? You're giving him back the hope that was slowly sucked out of him, slowly, day by day."

I raised my eyebrows but shrugged it off. "It's just.. I can't believe he moved. He never left. Even though... Even if I did."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Hope."

"That's easier said than done."

For two seconds there was an unsettling silence. "I'm going to leave. Thank you for-"

I stop. And turn dead in my tracks. I face the "stranger" and he looks back at me.

"You called me by my name."

"Hi, Hope."

"Ethan. Oh my god. Ethan, I'm so sorry. I.. didn't know what to do. I said I'd be back before the sun was up and-"

"Don't worry! You're early!" He said, all peppy and chippery.

"What? I'm.. early?" I ask, confusion laced in my voice. I'm three years late, and he's telling me I'm early, in a happy tone.

"Yeah, you said you'd be back before the sun came up! In fact, the sun went down a few hours ago! You're so early! I'm so happy, Hope."

My head hang down in shame and guilt. I couldn't bare the guilt and sadness that's engulfed me.

"Your ruffled, tousled hair. Your muscular arms. Your amazing voice. Your mesmerizing eyes. The only thing different, is, that you're pale. But you hated being pale. You'd only be pale if you were incredibly busy with some-"

"Honey? Who's at the door?" I hear a female voice call out and... any hope I had, is lost.

"Just someone asking for directions, be right there." He shouts back.

"Okay, quick, the kids have gone to sleep!" And I think Ethan noticed the drop in my face because he said, "I wish you find the right person, Hope."

And goes back inside.

Leaving me... like I left him.

Author note: MY FAVORITE ONE SO FAR!! Chef, the Grayson one, wasn't my best. But this one is my favorite. Also, I'm going to post a grant gustin story soon! And maybe Harry Styles, idk I'd have to change things up for him in a good way

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