Chapter 10

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It is difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun. 

                                                          Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

 July 18 

Just as Zach was ready to leave for work, he noticed something lying on the laminated floor outside Ranjit's bedroom, which was located at the end of the hallway.  When he moved closer to it, he realized that it was a pair of size 9 red stilettos.  As soon as he heard some noise coming out of his roommate's room, he quickly went back to his own bedroom and gently closed the door behind him.  

After a while, making sure that he heard the front door shut closed, he then went out and saw Ranjit sneaking back to his room.  "Ahem!" 

Startled, Ranjit gawked and his eyes widened at the sudden sound made by Zach.  "Holy cow!  Didn't know you were still here. I-ah would have kept my voice down."   

"You mean you and your lady friend." 

Ranjit shuffled his feet in awkward silence.  He forgot to inform Zach that he would be bringing someone home the night before.  It didn't cross his mind because he was too drunk to think.  "Gee, I'm sorry...  It was Roxy- Roxanne who brought me home last night and I was too wasted to tell you beforehand." 

"It's okay.  So, it's Roxy this time, huh?  Zach crossed his arms, he nodded and smiled at the same time.  

"Yeah.  Well, we met at the bar last night, and I found a lot of things we have in common between us.  For instance, we are both bar flies, and we just love going to the beach during holidays.  In fact, we have already talked about going to an island in the Philippines this Christmas together."  He added in a serious tone, "I've never met anyone like her before.  She's both fun and intelligent." 

"But, aren't you guys a bit- too fast?"  

Ranjit smiled sheepishly, and stared at his feet.  "I know we are kind of fast, but that's the way it is, you know..." 

"So, have you found out who's behind the love notes?" 

Ranjit looked up and said.  "Well, she didn't confirm it or deny it.  But I have already stopped receiving them." 

While still grinning at his friend, Zach put one arm around Ranjit's shoulder.  "I think the case is closed then." 


Zach:  "So, what are you doing right now?" 

Jamie:  "I'm listening to the radio.  My favorite song of Lady Antebellum is on." 

Zach:  "Which one?  'Bartender'?" 

Jamie:  "Have never heard of 'Bartender' before.  It's 'Need You Now'.  The hit song of last year." 

Zach:  "I don't think it was last year's hit.  Though I'm not much of a country song fan, so maybe I'm wrong." 

Jamie:  "It was.  Anyway, has your roommate found out who's been sending him love letters?" 

Zach:  "Apparently, she's the one he's dating right now.  Roxy, the secretary of our big boss." 

Jamie: "I see..." 

Zach:  "They've already been making plans for the holiday this Christmas."  

Jamie:  "Wow, that's fast." 

Zach:   "Indeed.  So have you decided when are you coming here to New York?  I've been wanting to go there but you wouldn't let me." 

Jamie:  "I really want our first meeting to be really special.  So let's just wait when I turn eighteen this October 27." 

Zach:  "That's still a couple of months away.  I don't want to wait that long." 

Jamie:  "C'mon, just promise me you won't come here or else I won't speak to you ever again." 

After a long pause, Zach sent his reply with a gif of a pinkie.  I promise

Jamie:  "Good!  I've been wanting to see Brooklyn Botanic Garden as far as I can remember.  Why don't we meet there?  Isn't it there's a Japanese Garden there?  We could meet in BBG at four in the afternoon.  I will bring my camera, and you can bring yours too." 

Zach:  "That's a great place to meet and take photos.  I've been there before a few years back.  There's a bench behind the Torii, you can wait for me there." 

Jamie:  "That'll be great.  By the way, things have been going great between my aunt and my dad that they've decided to go for a real date tomorrow night."    

Zach:  "Wow, that's totally awesome.  I'm sure you are quite happy with the news."

Jamie:  "I am, for both of them." 

Zach:  "That leaves Henry who is alone, and without a partner." 

Jamie:  "Yeah, well I guess that's because he really enjoys being asexual." 

Zach:  "He does.  His latest inner circle of friend is the waitress at Denny's, Mandy."  

Jamie:  "Isn't she the one who always forgot their orders?" 

Zach:  "She's the one alright.  But things have changed.  She no longer forgets them and they're buddies now." 

Zach talked to Jamie some more before they both called it a night.  Soon they were both asleep with dreams about a new day.


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