Chapter 8

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"Having a secret crush seems to be a part of growing up, just like training bras. Both are a little awkward, a little thrilling, and very, very close to the heart."                                                                                                                                                                                            AndreaGStewart 

 July 14 

"To the pantry."  Ranjit motioned Zach to follow him when he passed by his cubicle.  

Zach didn't even think twice and went after him.  He needed a break after hours of working on his latest project.  Besides, Ranjit's expression looked serious and there was an unmistaken urgent tone in his voice that signaled something important for them to talk about.  When he went inside the pantry, Henry and Ranjit were already waiting there for him impatiently. 

After making sure that nobody was hanging around outside the small room, Ranjit gently locked the door behind him.  "Sorry to interrupt you guys with your work, but I have a very important matter to discuss with you." 

 "What's it about?"  Zach asked his roommate who seemed tense. 

"Okay, where do I start." Ranjit thrust his hands deep into his pockets  while staring at his feet. 

"Er- from the beginning I guess."  Henry's expression hovered between cynicism and puzzlement.   

"Right-"  Ranjit rolled his eyes, and jabbed his best friend in the arm.  He blurted out without taking a breath.  "Okay, I'm not going to beat around the bush.  Someone in this office has a big crush on me, and I don't know who." 

"What do you mean by that?  Can you be more specific?"  Henry asked. 

This time, Ranjit took his time and answered steadily, "Someone has been sending me love notes on my office email address for a few days now, and she seems to know a lot about me and my every move." 

"How sure you are it is a 'she', for all you know it could be a 'he'."  Henry suggested. 

"Of course, it's a 'she'.  My intuition tells me so."  Ranjit said irritatingly at his best friend.  He then turned to Zach.  "Aren't you going to say something about it?"

Zach nodded and replied, "If you say that she knows your every move, that could mean only one thing.  She's on the same floor as we are."   

"You and I are thinking the same thing.  But there are at least fifty people here.  The last time I checked, half of them are either married or into a relationship, and the rest, three-fourths of them are women.  So that leaves me around twenty possible candidates."  

"Don't you have a clue about who she might be?" 

"Well, I tried to eliminate those who won't talk to me or don't seem to care about me, that's still a handful.  I would say around ten." 

"That's still a lot." Zach said thoughtfully. 

"Yes.  Since you stayed the longest here Henry, maybe you can help me check and ask around.  As for you Zach, you could work your charm around the girls and see if you can pick up anything from them.  Here's the list."  Ranjit shoved a piece of paper to his friends with the names of the girls.  "I just hate this feeling of not knowing, you know.  I like it better if I can just talk straight to the girl in person." 

Zach coughed uncontrollably and said, "Well, to be honest with you guys, I've just met this girl online last week and we kinda hit it off quite well." 

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