Chapter 9

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Love is a game that two can play and both win. 

                                                               Eva Gabor 

July 16 

Eric Christopher Wilton had finally met his match.  Stephen Moore was exactly what he had envisioned in his mind and much more.  Stephen's flawless face was framed by dark, thick curls.  He had chocolate brown eyes with long dark lashes, thin lips that looked pinched together, and long pointed nose.  Wearing a tight charcoal colored Lacoste polo shirt with white pants, the only accessory he had that day was his dog, a long-haired Irish Marked Chihuahua, called Spice.   Two years older than Eric, Stephen was taking up Interior Design at a university in New York.  He belonged to a well-off family, whose parents were both stockbrokers in Wall Street.  

Eric, on the other hand, was not looking bad himself as he was really dressed for the occasion.  He wore a slim cut white shirt that he had sewn himself with Calvin Klein jeans, and tawny leather loafers. 

Blakely's, which was recently named as the Best Restaurant in New Jersey by the NH magazine, was crowded with lounge lizards inside the Victorian-style garden conservatory.  Since Stephen had brought his dog with him, they were led to sit at the beautiful outdoor patio area overlooking onto one of the most manicured garden vistas in the area. 

"So, as I was saying.  My best friend Jamie, the one I stole the identity from, still hasn't met with Zach yet, and she already has feelings for him." 

"Wow, that's quite amazing."  Stephen reached out his hand and hold on to Eric's perfectly manicured hand.  "It sure sounds like our story."  

"It sure is.  Well, her aunt and I have been telling her it's time to see him in person.  She's thinking of doing it on her birthday, when she turns eighteen on October." 

"Aw, that's perfect.   Her aunt and her dad, she and Zach, you and I..." His voice trailed off. 

"It's perfect indeed."  Eric echoed as he gazed deep into his eyes.  "So, where are we going after lunch?" 

"I have a surprise for you, and I'm sure you're going to like it." 


"Okay, tell me everything.  Don't skip any little details."  Jamie exclaimed excitedly as she dragged her best friend down to sit beside her in her twin-sized bed. 

"Well, after lunch, his chauffer drove us to the countryside and we went for a ride in a hot-air balloon just before sunset.  It was so romantic-" 


"-and we shared our first kiss when we were one hundred thousand feet off the ground.  The kiss was slow and passionate; it felt like lightning running through my veins." 

"Oh my gosh, that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard."  Jamie said this as she lay down on her bed, her hands on her chest. 

"Yeah, it is.  We even had champagne after the ride."  Eric sighed, and joined her in lying down.  "Oh Jamie, how I wish you could meet him.  He's not only handsome, but also well-mannered.  Do you know that he's into fencing too, and that he has won several tournaments in the country? 

"No, I didn't.  He does sound amazing and all.  So, when are you guys going to see each other again?" 

"Probably in a month or so.  I might go to New York or he could come and visit me again.  We agreed though to chat every night, just like you guys." 

Jamie propped her chin in the palm of her hand, facing Eric.  "So, with all the good things that's been happening around us, I wonder what would change all that?"  

Her bestie didn't seem to hear her as he was still thinking about his date earlier with a beatific smile.  Little did Jamie know that she would soon find out the answer to her question herself.


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