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The next day, I woke up because someone was knocking hard on my door. I hate waking up, and if it's because of someone else, it's worst. I got up and went to my front door. When I opened, I saw Rae-Lee with Aiko

"Gosh, we've been knocking for 10 minutes ! What the hell were you doing ?!

- Huh, sleeping. I got home pretty late yesterday"

They came in and I went back to my bedroom to take my phone. Then I joined Rae-Lee and Aiko in my kitchen.

"Did you have breakfast yet ?

- Yes, it's 11 of course we've eaten !

- Ok then I'll do breakfast for myself. But shouldn't you two be learning a super hard choreography or something ?

- No, it's our day off ! So today, we'll go shopping, all three of us.

- Okay !"

I made breakfast, ate it and checked my phone. I have two texts : one from Jay and one from John

«Hey ! Wassup ? You forgot your jacket at my place, do you want me to bring it back when we'll film ?»

«Nothing much. Don't worry, you'll bring it back when we'll have our second date 😉»

Oh my God why did I really send that ? Stupid me. It's too late now.

«Hello, this is John. The filming will take place in two days, at the same place at 10 am. Have a good day»

«Thanks John, I'll be there !»

"What makes you smile like that ~~?

- Nothing. Are you coming with me, I'll go get ready !

- Of course we're coming !"

We went upstairs while they talked about their next singing class and how they don't like the teacher.

Once in my bedroom, I had no idea on how to dress up today.

"Why don't you wear your summer special outfit ?

- Oh you mean my really-high-waist skirt with my really-crop top and the nice flowery light jacket ?

- And the flower crown !

- Yeah why not ! How went your date Aiko ?"

She told us about it while I dressed up

"Amazing ! It was really fun and super cute and he complimented me all along and I think I've really fallen for him

- Really ?

- Yeah. And we'll probably have a second date but we don't know when yet because of our schedules

- That's amazing !

- Yes. I really hope there won't be any problems

- Like what ?

- Like : the company not agreeing and making us stop or the fans wanting to kill me or him or me having to get married because of our parents or him finding someone better while on tour or-

- Okay we get it Aiko. Don't worry too much ok ?

- Ok. What about you Rae-Lee ?

- It was really nice, as always

- What do you mean as always ? It's not the first time ?

- No... It actually was our fifth date

- What ?!

- Why didn't you tell us anything

- I didn't know if it was serious !

I don't like you [Discontinued Sorry]Where stories live. Discover now