Chapter Eight

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Eden fell from the astronomical urge to submit to him, to fall before a descendant of an alpha . But to fall would mean to be destroyed and she was not going to allow her mind and soul to be wrecked once more. She would not obliterate all of the work her and Skall had put forth to repair her, what was once thought of as irrevocable.

Eden promised herself long ago that she would never be shamed in such an abhorrent manner again.

But she couldn't ignore that little inkling of a voice that wailed and thrashed for her to bow down and beg for forgiveness, that her resistance was unnatural, abominable, repellent against her true nature. She bit back a whimper as the cracking of bone could be heard. Though she wasn't a shapeshifting beast like her kin, her parents still passed down the heightened senses through genetics.

Her ears, oh how they ached from the hyper awareness they had been set to in her blinding moment of panic. Eden heard every crack, pop, and hiss that rolled from the beastly male in front of her. His frame doubled in size, the fine hair that coated his arms and torso had grown thicker and coarser. Judah's eyes blazed a tempest of emotions, the low lit amber simmered with restraint.

A beast was taking place of the male that claimed that she was his forever and she was about to be dead center in his war path. Her heart thudded painfully behind her breastbone, her jaw began to ache from how harshly she was clenching her teeth together from the anticipation of what was to come.

Eden's knees knocked together, that instinct inside of age old was just screaming for her to fall, to be bowed and broken underneath a tyrant, but no more would she do such a thing. She quickly ran into the sole bedroom and bolted the door shut, dragging the dresser against and waited in the dark room. The drawn curtains concealed two high windows too narrow to escape through.

Fear trickled down her back like a leaking faucet, with every footstep there was another drip. Each footfall was heavy and had the small cabin shaking. He had hardly anywhere to go to get to her, she knew he could still smell her within the home.

Her body trembled as she came to a grim acceptance with her devastating fate. It would happen again and for the life of her, Eden couldn't figure out what she's done wrong in a previous lifetime. He was so close now that she could hear his ragged breathing waft harshly across the door, it had her diving in the narrow space between the floor and under the bed.

Her body curled up around itself, knees digging into her chest and hands curled above and around her head. If her aunt would have seen her now she would've been kicked and spat on, being called a coward and at that moment Eden could care less.

True fear was shameless.

Then the door caved in, the dresser flying into the wall. Her wide, dark eyes bore into the pawed feet, claws brushing the ground. The heavy pants that fell from a hairy maw berated her ears, the anticipation only adding to her anxiety.

Slowly two feet became four as he dropped down upon all limbs, the dangerously sharp tipped claws of his large hands gouged the wooden flooring, making his presence known through that marking. Eden saw the snarling, drooling maw of the nomad before she was yanked out from underneath the bed.

Her hair spilled out around her as the beast tossed her roughly onto the bed, the familiar mattress creaking with from the harsh use. Eden's breath caught in her throat as she saw what stood before her.

A beast that topped out at nearly seven and half feet or more, coated in dark brown fur. His shoulders wide and accentuating to the muscle he packed, ears long and twitching as his golden whiskey eyes bore into her, assessing his female to her truest form. But that wasn't enough for him.

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