Chapter Two

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He knew when he saw her that she was his gift from the moon. His shock when he saw that the young monster of the north that was his for the taking burned through him. Perfectly ripe for the plucking, for ravishing, according to the savageness that dwelled inside of him.

She has bleed, she is of age, it whispered to him.

His nature howled for him to steal her away. To stash her away in the ferocious waves that was his homeland. But the male knew better because that was what he was. A full fledge, adult male in his prime. He's wreck the female before his nature could even lay tooth to her flesh.

So he would let her flourish under the care of the beast that was her aunt, groomed to perfection by the deadliest of claws.

He was a hunter, and he had no qualms waiting for his sinful prey.


Days had come and gone since the feast of beasts as she liked to call it. And tension fled with the many lycans that fled her aunt's territory that night. But hell had come and replaced it, specially made for her.

The alpha of the nomadic pack of the northern territories had come to rest within her kin's nest. The alpha only allowed this to be so for the ties the alpha held to her male, his brother and nieces and nephews dominated that pack.

Eden knew as soon as they stepped foot onto the lands that had became her home in her past years. She had been swatting apples out of a tree for her younger kin, their mother making an appearance, checking upon her brother's child.

She had just handed Beau a stemless apple, his young fangs were to make quick work of it once he got going. Glancing up at the black heart queen, she watched as her eyes shifted from pale blue to a brilliant black. In the moment, any passerby would assume that the monster that Eden was, was the queen's child.

But the mother wolf snapped her powerful jaws in irritation. Her pups soon came to heel, heads bowed, eyes wide. Their uncertainty of what they did wrong and wanting to fix it was admirable. One look from the beast had her scrambling to herd the little wolves to the main house, away from the southern border that the nomads had strode through.

And now Eden sat with the youngest babe of her aunt's brood in her lap, her teeth just starting to curve with the hint of deadly parentage. At nine months of age, the pup held more status than she would ever hope to acquire and she found herself unbothered by such a feat. Eden would enjoy her time with her while she could, before she would be corrupted by pack life.

Her brows furrowed as she thought of little Etty becoming what nipped at her heels, tearing her down with word and tooth.

The life of a beast. It was a path that she could never walk down.

"Eden." Her body ran cold as she heard that familiar voice of her alpha male.

"Sir?" She learned long ago to always answer his calls.

"Bring my pup, and yourself. Someone would like to meet you." Her thumb swiped affectionately under pale blue eyes. The sweet giggle she received made her smile.

Pulling herself onto her steady feet, Eden balanced the chubby pup on her hip, eyes looking anywhere but directly into the alpha male's.

"Come." The rough growl had his pup squirming in her arms.

And so she followed, followed him deep into the forest. Past the intertwining rivers, past the ruined mansion. South, south, south he took her. Eden knew the alpha wolf was up to something, he always was, and she knew better than to follow him. But who was she to deny a dominant wolf, it would easily earn her more lashings than her frail body could handle.

They stopped in a copse of trees. The birds did not sing but the wind blew hard. Her mortal body shook from the frosty winds. Eden flinched as the male took the babe from her arms, his eyes searing her skin with his hate. She would be dead if it wasn't for her aunt, the male cared not for encroaching females, only for the rise of his kin. And she was not deemed acceptable.

"Stay, she-beast." And then he disappeared leaving her all alone.

Eden did not know whether or not to feel relieved. Sure, the male had gone and night was yet to fall for hours to come, yet she had no idea of what was to come.

So she waited. She tried to be good, obeying her superiors when something was asked of her. Eden herself was no hindrance to a single soul, but it was the impure genes that had the creatures unsettled. And that was something she would never be able to fix.

"I was told a monster roamed the northern trees. I did not expect it to be a young female." The rumbling spoke from the trees that he mentioned.

Immediately her eyes began to search for the male that spoke so roughly. It was not a voice she had ever become accustomed with.

"A pretty monster is what you are." Instead of the icy chill from the winds, warmth spread across her back as a hand wound itself through her dark hair.

"You call me monster, yet you are the true beast here." Eden snapped out, her eyes resembling space as anger swept across her.

The male laughed and only tightened his grip. His mouth lowered to her ear, his minty breath skipping across the side of her face.

"Learn to watch your tongue, female." He hissed out, shoving her to the ground.

Her breath left her as her body collided with the hard forest flooring, her head smacking across the ground. Stars danced across her vision, but she did not mind for she knew she wouldn't like what was to come.

Screwing her eyes shut, Eden hauled herself up, crawling away from the male.

A large hand smacked down across her back, letting her sprawl out. The heavy heat that was the male encased her.

He flipped her over and she found herself staring into amber eyes. Frighteningly beautiful eyes. It was a beast color, the creature had been awoken.

He crawled to her on his hands and knees, long hair sprouting across his forearms and down his neck. This was a wolf with great control, no beast could do what he was doing without it. Claws sprang from his nail beds and large incisors dropped.

The male dropped his head where no male not female had touched before. She whimpered in the back of her throat, trying to close her legs. A savage snarl and strengthened as halted her. But it was the claws that succeed.

They tore her shorts down, down, down. She was bare for the forest to see. A warm tongue between virgin folds made her jump, discomfort etching all across her body.

The male lifted his head, his upper lip drawn back and mouth open. He breathed through his mouth, testing her scent.

"You have bled." He climbed atop of her and leaning down. "You will bleed again today."

Then the thrusting began, along with her whimpers and yelps. She was no longer innocent to the ways of males.

That day she learned the truth of her kin's creatures.


I cried while writing this but this is our world's cruel reality and just so happens to be apart of Eden's story. As I warned earlier, her journey is a dark one full of ache and tears.


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