HENRY AND IRIS had snuck into the jail without being caught. Henry had managed to grab a red coat uniform to be able to blend in. "What will I do?" Iris complained, her arms crossed over her chest. "I can't freely walk into the building. Everybody knows who I am," Henry had rolled his eyes at her sentence.

"I know you hate when I play the 'Princess of Britain' card, but I can't help who I am!" Iris huffed in announce. Henry nodded in understanding, apologizing.

Henry had spotted a raggedy, dirty dress. He picked it up from a metal hanger, handing it over to the brunette. "Put this on," He ordered, as Iris scrunched up her nose in disgust, holding the cloth by her thumb and forefinger.

"Will you quit it and just put it on," Henry rolled his eyes in frustration, tapping his feet impatiently.

"Okay, okay," Iris muttered. She started taking off her wrinkled dress, throwing it off the side. Henry had to help her with the corset; Iris hated corsets. Once the dress was on her body, Henry had gripped her arm.

"What are you doing?" Iris had whispered-hissed, as Henry walked with her through the jail cells. He had greeted the red coat soldiers he passed by, pulling the brunette along with him.

"Just follow my lead," Henry had whispered in her ear.

Once the red coats were out of slight, Henry had let go of Iris, immediately heading over to a jail cell asking if they knew where Jack Sparrow was. When the man had giving him a rude response, Henry had started toward the next cell.

He looked into the cell seeing a darken figure standing there quietly. Henry had turned away knowing the man wasn't going to talk, a pair of arms had wrapped around his neck. "Hand me your sword," A voice demanded from behind him.

"I don't have a sword," Henry answered, trying to push away.

"What kind of soldier doesn't have a sword?" The man questioned stupidly.

"I'm currently wanted for treason," Henry stated.

Iris tugged the man's arms from around Henry's neck, as he silently thanked her. "The bloody hell, sir!" Iris spat.

"We're looking for a pirate, Caption Jack Sparrow," Henry mentioned.

"Henry, that's Sparrow," Iris presumed, glaring at the pirate.

"The beautiful lady is right," Jack smirked, gesturing to himself.

Henry stared at the man questionably. "No, it can't be," He shook his head. "I've spent years searching for...this?" Disappointment laced in his voice.

"Henry, he can still help," Iris tried to reason, but Henry interrupted.

"No, the great Jack Sparrow is not drunk in a cell," Henry retorted. "Do you even have a ship? A crew?"

Iris's eyes looked down at the pirate's bare legs. "Or trousers?"

"A great pirate does not require such intricacies," Jack implied.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment?" Jack asked, "The risk I've taken to be here. Are you sure you're the Jack Sparrow?"

"Real question is: who are you? And you, missy?" Jack questioned, twisting the subject around.

"Iris Monte," The brunette spoke, a small smile showing her way onto her face.

Jack smirked soundly. "What's the Princess of Britain doing down here?"

"Long story, pirate," Iris hissed.

"And I'm Henry Turner," He stated, as Jack's glaze landed on him in bewilderment. "Son of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann."

"Ugh!" Jack groaned, "You're the evil spawn of them two?"

"Hey, dial it back, pirate," Iris defended her best friend.

"I need you to listen, Jack," Henry has started, "Because at the moment you've all I've got. I found away to save my father. There is one thing that can break his curse and free him from the Dutchman: The Trident of Poseidon."

Jack raised his eyebrows, "Ah. The treasure to be found with the map that no man can read," Henry and Iris smiled at each other. "Never heard of it," Jack brushed off. The smiles on their faces drained.

"Goddammit, pirate!" Iris frustratedly hissed, walking a few steps away from the cell.

"She's a feisty one," Jack smiled, "I like her."

Henry rolled his eyes. "There is a girl inside this prison, Jack." Iris bit the inside of her cheek at the mention of Carina Smyth. For some reason, Iris didn't like her-she didn't know why, but there was something about her. But Iris knew she was the key to the Trident of Poseidon.

"She holds that map," Henry had continued, "The moon has turned to blood, and the Trident will be found, and you could be the one who holds the sea and with it become all that you once were. The great..."

Snorting had erupted from Jack's mouth, as an agitation riddled within Iris. "Sparrow!" Iris shouted, as the pirate gasped in surprise. "I'm so sorry. Were you speaking?"

"You were right, Henry, this is useless," Iris shook her head, "Let's just go."

"Wait, just one second, Iris," Henry told her. Iris sighed, but nodded.

"One more thing. A message from someone you know, named Captain Salazar," Henry mentioned, as Jack looked startled.

"I once knew a Spaniard named...something in Spanish," Jack said, walking around in his cell.

Henry had mumbled something in Spanish, "The Butcher of The Sea," Henry translated the phrase back into English.

"Him? No, no," Jack shook his head, an amusement in his voice. "Quite happily, he's dead. Very, very dead. Ship went down-"

"-Inside the Triangle," Henry finished, "He's coming for you, Jack. To seek revenge as the dead man's tale is told."

"I don't believe you," Jack denied. He immediately pressed himself up against the cell bars. "What did he say?"

"He said your compass was the key to his escape. An army of dead are coming straight for you, Jack. The Trident of Poseidon is your only hope. Do we have an accord?"

"We have an accord," Jack nodded, "Will she be coming along on this journey?" The pirate curiously asked, his eyes landing on Iris.

Iris nodded, taking a few steps toward Henry. "Of course, but only for Henry. I promised him I'd help him find his father, and I don't break my promises." Henry smiled at his best friend, as she smiled up at him.

Jack groaned in disgust, "Love. Hate it."



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