Chapter 4-Promises are Meant to be Broken

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"Charl, wake up," I heard a voice say.

"Leave me alone," I groaned. "Let me resume my slumber in peace."

"But Charl, it's seven AM on a Tuesday."

Seven A.M. on a Tuesday?!

Oh gods.

My eyes shot open, and I used my super vampire speed to get ready for school. No, I'm just kidding. I did put to use what I learned on my agility training. I took a quick shower, ate a sort-of breakfast, changed into my uniform, and got my books ready.

All in fifteen minutes.

It was a good thing Ate Kalel was a pro as speed driving without getting into accidents. You see, she had also gone through agent training 'till she realized being in our Dad's shoes wasn't really her call. That's probably why we get along really well.

We ran as quickly as we can to our room, where our classmates were all giving us weird looks. I couldn't really blame them, no matter how much I want to. Why? Well, how would you react if the introvert and the popular exchange student-who hate each other, might I add-suddenly arrive to school together?

Thought so.

I can already hear the whispers.

"Charlie!" Lea called, dragging me to the balcony outside our classroom. How fortunate of us to have a place for Romeo and Juliet wanna-be's to stay at.

"Explain," she demanded. I know that she won't take later for an answer. I didn't know what else to say to her, so I just told her the truth. No, I didn't include the part where their beloved Kim Myung Soo is actually the beloved prince of Korea, and I was the unlucky secret agent assigned to protect him. Goodness no, Daddy taught me better than that. I told her that we were actually "Myung Soo's" foster family, and I didn't know 'till he was sitting on our couch. Hey, that part was totally true. I could tell Lea didn't believe me, though. But she knew that was the only answer she'd get out of me, so she just nodded and told me to keep her updated on Myung Soo.

That was so pathetic.

As I entered the classroom, I found Ji talking to Jeffrey. Hmm... That was odd. Jeffrey rarely ever talked to guys outside his circle of friends. What was he playing at?

"Hi Jeff," I cooed from behind him. He turned and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. Ji suddenly looked uncomfortable. Was it because he was like the third wheel? Was it because he didn't like PDA? Well, whatever his issue was, I loved seeing him uncomfortable.

"So, what were you and Myung Soo just talking about?" I asked Jeff.

"Not much, I was just asking Myung Soo why you guys came in together." At this I felt myself blush. Jeffrey may not like admitting it, but he's actually a jealous type. He just doesn't admit it because he thinks that's what turns girls off.

"Hey, I was thinking. Maybe you could let Myung Soo tag along to my party," Jeffrey suggested.

Absolutely not! I wanted to yell. I cannot have Ji in a party full of horny teenagers, especially the fangirls. If word got out to Korea, it could get pretty bad.

But just think about it, Charlie, my conscience reasoned. If Ji tagged along the party, then you could be with your boyfriend and still be able to babysit that sorry excuse of a prince. Everybody wins.

"Well, I guess I could..."

"Excellent," Jeffrey replied, his cheek meeting mine. "I'll see you tonight, Char."

Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling about this?


We arrived at Jeffrey's house a little later than expected, and I have Mister Korean Dude here to blame for that. He's been asking me the most ridiculous questions known to man.

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