Mirror, Mirror

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

who was the fairest one of all?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

who's that crying in the bathroom stall?

Mirror, mirror, so crisp and clear,

why must my fate be so severe?

Mirror, mirror, never true,

why does everyone look at you?

Mirror, mirror, with the brightest shine,

why can't you tell that I'm not fine?

Mirror, mirror, in my cell,

can't you see that I'm not well?

Mirror, mirror, in my hand-

your lies are the one thing I cannot stand.

Mirror, mirror, I honestly swear

in all you do, you are not fair.

Mirror, mirror, you don't have to lie,

I'm not pretty, and I know why.

Mirror, mirror, made of glass,

you just won't let the memories pass.

Mirror, mirror, about to break,

you've made a very big mistake.

Mirror, mirror, wet and cold,

my blood seals the glass with the lies you've told.

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