Are we talking about the same person?

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"You may not believe me now, 

but she's actually extremely open minded."

Oh, wow,

I haven't heard something that good in a long time.

I can hardly breathe, honestly.

My laughter doesn't even sound right anymore,

it just sounds like I'm gasping for air.

Oh, you were serious?

She's so open minded, is she?

We are talking about the same person, right?

The same one who started a fight when I refused to take confirmation classes,

the same one who asked me if I believed in God as if my answer mattered to her.

The same one who acted like it was the worst thing that could happen,

that her daughter might have different beliefs than her.

The same one who tells me over and over

"You're not depressed" and "You don't have depression"

despite her taking me to the doctor once a month

and my prescribed antidepressants.

The same one who, when asked about my uncle's Facebook relationship status,

said "Oh, it must be a little joke. They're not together," 

and proceeded to block my uncle and his boyfriend from my own profile.

The same one who makes racist comments constantly,

the adult that has to be corrected by me-a child.

The same one who threw a temper tantrum in public

over a shirt I bought with my own money

that showed off my stomach.

The same one who said that I shouldn't be wearing that

because I looked like a slut

and everyone else would think I was a slut,

and how would that reflect on her?

The same one who won't let me leave the house if she doesn't think my hair looks good

because of what other people will think.

The same one who told me I couldn't date a guy

because he had dark skin,

and "that would look bad on her and the entire family".

The same one who wouldn't stop asking me

"Do you believe in God?", 

as if my answer would decide her worth as a parent,

and when she finally gave up on asking me,

she said,

"Well, I'd rather have you be an atheist than be gay."

Oh, yes,

she's very open minded.

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