Chapter 16: Don't you Forget About me

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When the high wore off and the record stopped, everyone collapsed and giggled as the euphoria of the moment died down. 

Linette collapsed next to John who looked at her and chuckled, Linette looked back at him and started giggling as well. Words were unnecessary for the two of them as they didn't want to mess up the natural high they recieved from this moment. 

They were simply youths living the life they were born into.

And that ended when Linette looked at the clock on the wall. Her giggles died down when she heard John groan and run his hand through his hair. 

"Well everybody!" He announced gathering the attention of the heavy breathing teens. He stands up and dusts his pants off "This is where I leave you, don't miss me to much." He winks. He then looks to Linette who was still sitting on the floor and offers his hand. Linette grinned and took his hand and when John pulled her up, he kissed her head and gave a dramatic bow and a loud "Adieu" to the rest of the group and made his way to vents he crawled out of.

"What a character." Linette says shaking her head before looking at the rest of the group and ignoring the raised brow and amused smile Allison gave her. 

Linette made her way to the railing where she hopped on and sat and the rest of the room occupants soon followed.

No words were said, not until Claire realized they still had an essay to right.

"Brian?" Claire softly calls, looking to the teenage boy sitting next to her.

"Yeah?" He relplies"Are you gonna write your paper?"

The answer was quite obvious in her opinion

Brian says yes and questions why, and with some witty and somewhat flirty banter, and hesitant approvals from the other three teens in the room, Claire gets Brian to write their essay.

When all was said and done, Claire looks to Allison and beckons her to follow herself to another area where the boys can't see her. Allison gives Linette a look, to which Linette shrugs and gives Allison a look that asks if 'she wants her to come along' to which Allison shakes her head and winks looking towards the door. Linette gives her a childhood friend a look that says, 'are you sure?' to which Allison smiles and walks towards where Claire headed. 

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll see you guys in a bit."

To which Andrew said "stay safe." and Brian waved.

She peaked down the hall, seeing if Vernon was anywhere near by. Deciding that the coast was clear enough, Linette made her way to the area where Bender was being kept. 

When she entered she saw Bender staring at her with wide eyes and a grin, which she returned with a smile of her own.

"Are you lost?" He asks.

Linette gives John an amused look before shaking her head and walking towards him. Bender watches her every move with curious eyes, taking in the way her hair would bounce with every step she took, the way her eyes seemed to be full of life even in the dull artificial lighting the room provided them. John knew she was attractive from the amounts of time he's seen her with his girlfriends, but he never really noticed how beautiful she was until he got so up-close and personal.   

He moved over when she nudged his thigh with her foot and she sat down next to him, her thighs touching his own. 

"You want to know what I did to get detention?"

"What could you have possibly done to get detention, borrow a book without informing the librarian?" 

Linette shook her head and smiled before looking towards Bender who was looking at her as well.

"Nope." She said, before looking at the vents John crawled through, noticing how there were slight dents. "I punched Mandy Herbany straight in the face and almost proceeded to give her a beating, but then a jock stopped me and some of the teachers and Vernon intervened."

Bender chuckled with furrowed brows. He was shocked.

"Now I don't usually resort to violence but her and her gang were picking on Shannon Benson, ya know pulling her hair, shoving her against the locker, and the girl barely weighs a hundred pounds."

Bender chuckled and wrapped his arm around her, making her laugh as well.

"You broke her nose." He laughs.

"Not my shiniest moment." She muses. 

They share a laugh and then it suddenly gets quiet.

"Why are you here, Linette?"

Linette gets quiet and looks up at Bender who looks at her with a cautious look. He really hoped it wasn't pity.

He didn't need anyone's pity.

"I wanted to be here, John. Right here." She says, quickly looking at his lips before looking back up to his eyes.

In the library, Claire is leaning over Brian's shoulder letting Allison and Andrew have their moment.

She reads what Brian wrights and when he is finished she smiles and kisses his cheek, making his face go red and look at her with wide blue eyes.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"Because I wanted to." She says flirtatiously.

Back in the room with John and Linette, John stares at Linette and she is staring back at him.

Linette raises her hand to move the hair that was falling from John's face away from his face, tucking the lock behind his hair and leaving her hand on his cheek. 

The two look into eachothers eyes and find themselves leaning closer to one another, their eyes slowly closing as their faces get closer to eachother, sealing shut when their lips connect.

Linette wonders if John can hear or feel her heart beating quickly against her chest, as their kiss deepens.

When they separate they're both breathing heavily and they share one more kiss before Linette places a kiss on John's head and says "Adieu" winks, and leaves.

Detention end with Allison and Linette arm and arm with eachother, as Linette gushes over Allison's new look. 

When they see Carl, Linette gives him a small wave and giggles as John says "see you next saturday."

When they exit the building, Linette gives Allison a hug and kisses her on the cheek before, which Allison returns. When they break their hug, Linette glances at Andrew who was staring at Allison, and Linette looks to Allison who was giddily smiling. She winks at her friend, who rolls her eyes and smirks and tells her friend, "I'll see you Monday." Before making her way to Andrew. Linette watches her friend walk with Andrew before glancing at the odd couple, Claire and Brian. Claire walked Brian to his dad's car, pecking him on the cheek, smiling and then making her way to her dad's car. Brian blushes rubs his cheek and makes his way into his dads car, rubbing his cheek coyly as his dad drives away.

"Where's your ride?" Bender asks, standing next to Linette.

"I'm walking home, you want to come with me?"

Bender smiles and looks down at Linette who was smiling at him as well.

"Would your grandma approve?"


That's it, I'm finally done with this book. Thank you to those who have supported me through the long year of writing this book, I believe it's actually been more than a year but I'm glad to finally be done. To be honest, I've lost interest in the breakfast club a while ago because I watched it over and over and over. I'm sorry if the ending isn't to your liking, but if you want, you can comment your own version of how it should end, i'd gladly love to read them.  

Thank you once again.

Bye (OuO)/

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