Chapter 15: What'd You Do?

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Linette watched from afar as the interaction between Andrew and Allison happened, and pride bloomed in her chest when she heard snippets of her opening up to him.

Before the group knew it, they formed a semi-circle. Claire sat across from Bender, Brian sat next to Andrew and close to Claire, and Andrew sat close to Allison who was next to Linette. Linette was leaning against John with her legs on Allison's lap.

The group then started discussing "what if scenarios."

"So Andrew," Stared Linette. "What would you do for a million dollars?" 

"What would I do for a million dollars?" he thought about it. "Well, I guess i'd do as little as I had to.

Linette looked at him, satisfied with the answer but wanting an explination to his thinking.

Claire, however was not satisfied.

 "That's boring." Said she.

"How's he suppose to answer, then?" Linette asks

"The idea is to like search your mind for the absolute limit. Like, uh, Linette, would you drive to school naked?"

"Considering my grandma drives me to school, no." 

Andrew laughs while the others smirk or chuckle in amusement.

"How about, you Andrew?" Asks Claire, redirecting the discussion back to him.

"Same question?" he asks. Claire nods.

"Um, uh, would I have to get out of the car?"

"Of course."

"In the spring, or winter?" 

"It doesn't matter" She then contemplates "Spring."

"In front of the school or in back of the school?"  ("Since when the fuck did this turn into a game of twenty questions?" Linette muttered under her breath, causing John to look at her in amusement)

"Either one."  Answered Claire, not hearing what Linette said.

After little thought, Andrew answered "Yes." Which caused Claire to look at him in amusement

"I'd do that!" Said Allison, gaining the groups attention. 

They all look at her, Linette mostly in confusion and concern as to what her friend was planning.

"I'll do anything sexual, I don't need a million dollars to do it either." Continued she. Linette only looked at her friend with remorse, knowing she was only saying these things to get attention and a possible rouse.

"You're lying." Said Claire, looking at Allison in disbelief.

"I already have." Said Allison, adding "I've done just about everything there is except a few things that are illegal. I'm a nymphomaniac!" She said proudly.

  The rest of the conversation consisted of continuous scrutiny provided by the rest of the bunch, with the exception of Linette who wanted no part in Claire revealing her sexual activities, so she spaced out, wondering if her nana had fed her two cats.  

Linette only payed attention when Bender moved his head forward so he was talking into LInette's ear, but when he spoke he made sure everyone could hear him "She's only a tease if what she does gets you hot." He says

But after that, she couldn't be bothered. It was just the topic of ones sexual status, why should one be so evasive towards the subject.  When Linette voiced her thoughts, that was when Claire snapped.

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