Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Bookworm

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Linette woke up to her kitten, Mr.Bean, rubbing her cheek with his. She smiled and gently picked up the black cat with white paws and put him on the side. She looked at the clock that was above her wall and saw it was five-thirty-four am. She groaned remembering she had Saturday detention with Vernon. She got out of her bed stretched, patted Mr.Beans head, and started getting ready. After showering and brushing her teeth, Linette put on her underwear and top, only to stop when she noticed, all her jeans and shorts were dirty. She cussed in both french and english when she noticed that. sighing, she decided she would make in effort at dressing girly, for her grandmothers sake. So she decided to dress in an outft her grandmother would have probably picked out. She decided to let her wavy ebony hair down for once, since she didn't really feel like making an effort. She reached for her bag when she felt soft fur rubbing against her tight legs, she looked down and saw Cheshire, her other cat rubbing against her leg. She finished laced up her boots and petted the tabby.

"peut-être une autre fois" she whispered*. after putting all her necessities in her bag, she made her way downstairs where her grandmothers, cafe was located.  she saw her grandmother holding a tray of muffins and putting them on the glass display.
"Bonjour mon amour*" her grandmother greeted.
"Bonjour" she greeted back.
"You ready to leave" her grandma asked, she nodded and took the lunch and thermos that was on one of the tables.

During the car ride to her school, Linette silently thanked god, for how laid back her grandma was. Seriously, when she told her she had detention on Saturday, her grandmother reacted unexpectedly. Instead of yelling at her, she sighed, and shook her head disappointingly.  She gave her a small lecture, and told her not to do it again, and if she did make sure it was for a good reason. Luckily for her she had a good reason.
They arrived at Shermer high, at the same time a Fancy BMW pulled up.
They parked right behind the car, and Linette looked to her grandma.
"Is it all right if I walk home today?" she asked.
"sure, az long az you don't get to caught up in ze book you read, and make sure jou  pay attention to jour surroundings, oui*?" she warned. Linette nodded and kissed her grandma on the cheek, gathered her bag, and with an "Au Revoir" she left. As she got out of her car, the girl who was in the BMW got out. Linette recognized her as Claire Standish one of the popular girls from school. She recognized her because they had a couple of classes together. Claire noticed the girl today, and gave her a small smile.  Claire sort of knew Linette, she knew the girl was french since they both had that class together, and she helped her with a project that one time, which was why she gave her a small amount of her attention. But she wasn't really in her clique so, she didn't really talk to her when they entered the library. not that Linette mind.

She was happy with the lack of attention, it gave her the peace and quite she needed to read. So when she entered the library, she sat behind her instead of next to her.  Then in came Brian Johnson. Linette knew him because they had Algebra together. She looked up and gave him a small smile, which he gladly returned. She then looked back to her Agatha Christie book, when Andrew Clark entered. Andrew notices Claire and walks over to the table. He motions to the chair, her reply was a shrug and a small flirty smile, and he sat down. Then in came John Bender, he touched everything on a desk, knocking over a phone, spinning a do-hickey, and stuffing a pack of hall passes into his pocket. He walks over to wear Brian and Linette was sitting, and potions to Brian, to move to the opposite table, Linette looked up when she noticed somebody else sitting where Brian was. She notice it was John Bender. She knew him because a couple of her female  friends had been with him and shared a passionate night together. He knew her because he saw her with his girlfriends.  So after propping his feet up with a chair,  he greeted her with a wink, and she greeted him with a smirk, and then went back to reading. Then In came Alison, who noticed Linette and gave her a shy smile.and then scurried around the library where she sat behind Brian.
Andrew and Claire look at each other and snicker. Brian looks at her in confusion and then turns away. Linette gives the two populars a glare and then reads again.

*Maybe another time

*Good morning my love
*Good morning

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