Chapter 3: Totally?

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Linette found herself reaching the end of the book , and deciding she would save herself the suspense, she marked her page once more and put her book back in her bag. When she was reaching down to get her bag, John couldn't help but check her out. He noticed she was quite tall, about two inches shorter then he was. The first thing he noticed was her legs, they were long, and he wished he saw more skin then the little thigh gap he noticed, when she ripped it. He also noticed her body, she had curves in all the right places and her hair looked really soft.  Her hands the same, soft and nimble, her nails were painted a nude color, which brought them out. And he looked at her face to find her looking at him with a brow raised.
"see something you like?" She teased. He chuckled and licked his lips, and was about to say something when he heard clicking.

Alison sat in the corner her back facing everyone, who was now gaping at her, except Linette, she knew Alison since she moved, the two lived by eachother, untill she had to move to her grandma's but they still stayed in touch. She notices and looks back at everyone, she then continues to bite her nail.
"You keep eating your hand and you're not gonna be hungry for lunch" Bender teases. With one final bite she spats her nail at Bender, but misses.
"'I've seen you before, you know" he then looks to Linette. "You too" He then looks to Brian, when he noticed she wasn't really paying him any attention, and instead putted it on Brian.
"Who do I think I am? Who are you? Who are you?" He attaches the pen to his bottom lip and puts the top under his upper lip. " I am a walrus"
Bender looks at him in utter confusion. Brian notices this, laughs and takes the pen out of his mouth-- embarrassed. Bender removes his scarf. While this was happening, Linette felt a little warm, so she slipped of her cardogan and put it on the back of her seats, leaving her in her thin strapped top and floral skirt, with her ripped tights (It got even more ripped when she accidentally tried adjusting it.) and a pair of old hand-me-down boots. 
Bender then starts to take his Jacket off while Brian simultaneously does the same . They both notice this and Bender glares, Brian stops and rubs his hands together pretending he was cold and pulls his jacket back on. He then turns and looks at Bender who is still staring at him.
"It's the shits, huh?" he asked, trying to break the tension. Bender glares at him and Brian utters an uncomfortable laugh. Bender then notices Linette folding her paper into a triangle, then she folds the rectangular part of the paper and licks the edge, softening it, Bender notices and almost groans at the sight. She then rips the rectangular part and starts folding the square, and then unfolding it, and then she folds it once more. After a series of folding and shifting, she ends up with a paper crane. Bender takes the crane and gives it and impressed nod. He then throws it over Claire and Andrews table, they both acknowledged  it, but Claire shifted her feet a little so it was under her table. Meanwhile behind them, Linette gaped then pouted at her lost crane. Bender notices them ignoring him so he then sings the guitar riff of Sunshine of Your Love by Cream. Linette is still pouting and ignores it.
"I can't believe this is really happening to me" she mutters to herself. Linette jumps when Bender abruptly stops and shouts "OH SHIT!" everyone looks to him.  "Oh, shit! What're we s'posed to do if we hafta take a piss?" he questions, everyone then turns back around.
"Please" Claire scoffed.
There was a zip and Linette scooted away blood flooding to her cheeks.
"If you gotta go, You gotta go!" and everyone's attention is back on bender. ("Oh my god" Claire mutters, disgusted)
"Hey, yer not urinating in here man!" Andrew warns.
" Don't talk! Don't talk! It makes it crawl back up!" he interrupted.
"You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor!" he threatens
Bender gasps mockingly. "You're pretty sexy when you get angry...grrr!" he says teasingly. he then turns to Brian.
"Hey, homeboy" Brian points to himself, wondering if he was talking to himself. "why don't you go close that door. We'll get the bookworm and prom queen-- impregnated"  Claire turns and glares at him, while Linette flipped him off. Andrew wasn't happy with that comment.
"Hey!" Bender ignores him." Hey!" and then bender turned to him.
" If I lose my temper, you're totaled man! " He threatens.
"Totally" Bender mocks.
"Totally" he promised.
" Why don't you just shut up! Nobody here is interested!" Claire said, glowering. Bender pretends he's hurt. Linette shifted not liking where this was going.
"Really!" he agreed "Buttface" he muttered to Claire.
"Well hey Sporto! What'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?" He patronizes.
Brian decided to Interlude before anything goes to far, "Uh, excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers" he says nervously. He's ignored, as Andrew turns to Bender.
"Look, just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the knock it off!"
Bender mockingly registers pain in his face. "It's a free country" he retorts.
Linette decided to interlude "He's just doing it to get a rise out of you! Just ignore him." he advised. Bender looks at her
"Tuts, you couldn't ignore me if you tried" he says cockily. She raises her brow, she knew she shouldn't patronize him and probably would regret it later, but she let her pride get in the way.
"You wanna bet" she challenged. Leaning in closer, Bender glanced at her lips then back at those light brown orbs. He looked away and changed the subject, causing Linette to smirk in victory.
With a flip to his hair he looked at the two in front of him.
"so.." he thought."So!.."
" Are you guys like boyfriend/girlfriend?"
 a beat.
"Steady dates"
another beat
" Lo--vers?"
another beat
" Come on Sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot...beef... injection?"
Claire and Andy whipped around, fury written in their eyes.
"GO TO HELL!" Claire yelled the same time Andrew said "ENOUGH!".
"Hey!" Vernon, called from his office, "What's going on in there" 
nobody answered, instead, Bender mockingly gocks.
Andrew and Claire turn away, and Alison glances at them amused.
"Scumbag" Andrew mutters under his breath.

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