Before You Read

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Ahoy Fellow Reader,

If you have read a story of mine before welcome back! If you have not welcome to my account and thank you for choosing this book to read! I'm very excited to finally doing a Will Turner Fanfic because he was my first crush ever to exist and he still is today.

If you haven't checked out my other stories please go and read them!

Now this story is about a girl name Evelyn Adams who is the daughter of a wealthy merchant. She comes from a wealthy family and is surrounded by stuck up people and snobby rich people but Evelyn is nothing like that. She has the kindest soul, a spirit ready for any kind of adventure, and will protect the people she loves no matter the cost. She has been best friend with Will Turner ever since they were younger but has been in love with him since the day they met.

Evelyn is seventeen soon to be eighteen and Will is nineteen.

This book takes place during the first movie.

I hope you love Evelyn, I did from the moment I created her as I was cozy up with a cup of tea and a notebook while planning this story out!

And Thank you for choosing to read my work because you didn't have too but you did and I am happy you did!

  Now sit back, relax, and set sail on another Pirates story of mine!


(P.S. Parrilla is not my real last name, it's one of my favorite actresses last name and I picked it kinda as my Hannah Montana wig for social media lol. I had an imagine account on Vine and my username was bella parrilla's pizza. So if any of you had vine and followed me there, welcome back to my world!)

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