"It's the Tuesday 15th.."he said

I stood from my seat and walked around panicking

"Hey look now that we know we can help you find this" sata said

"Oh ______ I wondered were you were last night" Mary said walking by down with the kids.

"Oo _______!  Come with us mommy is gonna make cookies!! Come help us" rosey said grabbing my arm but before I could start

"Rosey let go of _____ and go help your mother in the kitchen" William said. Rosey looked scared so she ran off.

_____.2 was sitting on the couch next to William and she read the papers with out any of us knowing

"Um dad what is this? Some type of story?" She asks

William took the paper away from her

"Don't worry about it"

Then sata came to me "we can help" he said again

I shake my head.

"No I am not risking it Sata"

"But what happens when you don't find Nepenthe until Friday?" Ciel asked

I look away and I write down "ill be gone for another 100 years, and if I know them..that's not the only thing they'll do or keep me from"

"Well do you know anything about Nepenthe? I remember a long time ago you were looking for mail called nepenthe" he said

"Well..that was different Satan sent me that and I asked him for answers for you guys...and my mom" I say

"WAIT! I think I know who can help us" Ciel says


"Undertaker!" He smiles and I smile as well

"Is he here!? Where!" I say

"He isn't here but we can get him here" William said and went off to get a phone.

"Uh wait so you died and came back to life again! That's so cool!" _____.2 said standing up

"Cool? Isn't the word I'd quite use" I smile at her

"Wait so what are you now? If you have no soul with you???" She asked

I write down "a walking body with a memory " and she smiles at me

"I don't get it no soul? Sure they created a new body for you but is it-" Sebastian was cut off by an Undertaker breaking down the door and jumping on me.

"O-oh hey undertaker long time no see" I say and he hugs the hell out of me.

"WHY DIDNT NO ONE TELL SHE WAS BACK!!!!!!! I knew one day you would be back!!" He yelled

"You did?"

"No silly but I always did think about it" he smiled

"Undertaker sit and ______.2 " William looks over to his daughter and says "go help your mother and Rosey" she pouts and walks away.

We let undertaker read the papers and when he did he looked at me "so you need to find Nepenthe?" I nod "and it's not a word it's a power?" He asks and I nod

"Do you think your mother knew about this?" Undertaker asked and I nodded "she must have...I don't even know where to look.." I say

"I have no clue either sorry gal...."

"no worries it was nice to see you again" I smile and gave him a hug he got up

"Do you have to leave?" I ask

"Yes I have work to do..but I'll be back before you know it!" He smiles and goes off..

"Any ideas?" I ask but then something happens...I'm not sure what but something starts to hurt..is it my head? But how can I feel pain with no soul?

"You ok?" Sata asks me and I start to feel dizzy?

"Y-ya I'm fine" I say

We started to talk more and the more they talked the more distant I felt. Not again!!!!

I soon pass out.

I'm Here, so Stop Running! (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now