~Chapter 1~

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    Trigger Warnings: Mild Cursing and Motion


 The bell rings, rippling the sheer, automated, ring through the rooms within halls within the school. Waves of students flowed out of the doors as if the doors were a dam and the bell were an avalanche, causing it to break open. Noise bounced around from student to student, endless conversation topics bubbling. 

     A tall boy, but not too tall, trotted along with the crowd of people, watching as the swarm became gradually smaller; students veering off to meet up with friends, or take an Uber to their homes. The boy gently ran his fingers delicately through his brown hair. A hand snuck up behind him and prodded his mostly black T-shirt. 

     "Ayyy Dan! Any updates on the missing assignment? Did Mrs. Crinhel believe your story?" A familiar voice rang out behind him.

     "Ah-bajesus!"  Dan slurred, almost jumping out of his socks.

     "Spook ya? Ha got ya again" Dan's friend Jonathin sneered from behind.

     "Why do you always do that? You know I hate being scared," Dan scowled, turning stubbornly to Jonathin.

     "You hate being scared, yet you love to scare. Huh funny how that works!" Jonathin said rolling his eyes at Dan.

     "You don't get joy out of being scared, you get joy after scaring somebody else," Dan frowned.

     "That is exactly why I did it," he taunted. Dan cocked his head as he felt a vibration pulsing in his pocket. The light skinned boy reached his hand down, pulling out his phone. a text message rested on the lock screen reading, "I've been waiting outside for 10 minutes now where are you?" under the contact labeled, Mum. 

     "Goddammit, my mom is here and she's pissed." Dan sniffed. "Well, I will see you tomorrow i guess, Bye" Dan announced before he turned to speed walk toward the exit doors.

     "Wait! Dan! You never told me if the story wo-" Jonathin yelled after him but before he could finish, Dan was out of sight.


     He was walking normally, not a care in the world until he felt a tug at his foot. Before the lad was able to react, he stumbled forward, watching as the details on the floor became more clear. The moments seemed to last at least a minute, but in reality it passed within two seconds. He let out a loud grunt as his face made impact with the solid, tiled floor. Kids flowed around him like a rock in a river, flowing around him but not on top; mostly. As he tried to stand up, pain bulleted through his hand in effect of somebody stepping on his fragile hand. He shrieked, waiting for the foot to lift off of his pulsing hand. He gradually stood up, blowing his black hair out of his eyes as he brushed off his now dirty, button-up shirt. He felt his chest, expecting to feel his lanyard which held his ID. He didn't feel it. His hand moved around his chest rapidly, quickly panicking as the boy realized his ID was no longer worn around his neck. In a panicked state, he began to bounce from person to person asking if they have seen his ID. After about 10 minutes of searching, he slumped his shoulders and gave up. The boy, now near exhausted, trudged toward the school doors until he heard his name being called.

     "Phil...?" A random voice called.

     The boy followed the tone of the voice, until he think he found the right person. 

     "Are you Phil?" The stranger asked.

     "Y-yes I am," Phil stumbled.

     "Well I found your ID" He responded.

     "Oh my god thank you so much. You're a life saver--" Phil stopped, not knowing the godsend's name.

     "I'm Jonathin. Nice to meet you Phil," Jonathin said.

     "Nice to meet you," Phil said reaching out a hand to shake then retrieve his beloved ID. "Well, I must be going now. Have to be home by a certain time. Thank you for finding my ID,"

     "Yep." Jonathin said quickly before walking off. 

     Phil stepped through different people, sliding through the hallways before he started his journey home.


Sorry for a short chapter, its 11:15 pm and I'm watching Star Wars. OK Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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