| Inner most thoughts and dreams|

509 18 1

|Y/n POV|

Mom...Dad....am I really gonna be safe here with.....him..?

|The next day...|

My eyes flutter open signaling that I was waking up. Glancing to my left and right I wasn't inside of the glass cube anymore, but instead I was in the covers of a gigantic bed in a luxurious bedroom. "Where am I..?" I look around unconciously, groggily rubbing sleep off my eyes. "Wherever I am, Jin better have an answer to that." Swinging my feet over the bed and into the cold wood floor. I headed straight to the closet and grab some random clothes and headed to bathroom.

In the end, I was a wearing a maroon t-shirt that said 'couch potato', a pair of dark navy jeans and some white adidas.

I head out of the room and completely wandered off on my own. I was looking at some family pictures as I pass by the hallways, one particular picture made me look at it twice or more. It was a picture of Jin as a young boy and he was beside an older man, It must have been his father. After passing a few pictures left and right, I stumble upon 2 oak doors with police tape on it, that's weird. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door, glancing left and right before I enter.

Upon entering the abandoned room, the interior was like the inside of a judo, a mat on the floor, broken wood everywhere and used up dummies. Maybe Jin was training here before I thought. As I continue to search the room, I saw a broken picture frame with a picture under the shattered glass, upon closer inspection I see Jin, his mom and dad and another guy that was wripped off the picture.

"What are you doing here?"

I turned around quickly to see Jin with an angry expression on his face. I set down the picture quickly and stood up. "I, uh I was just walking around and I ended up here hehe" I laughed nervously. "Are you blind to not see the tape on the door?" He pointed at the door behind him, I sigh and replied "Look I'm sorry for being here in the first place...I was just curious you know? And not to mention you have your own judo in your own house, that's just...cool" Jin was taken aback from what I said and didn't respond.

My eyes wonder around the room then Jin questioned "You think its....cool?" My eyes travel to him and shrugged. "Well for me it is anyway" I walk over to one of the equipment on the floor and picked it up. "Hey Jin, was your dream as a kid to be a judo master or something?" I look up at him but he didn't respond for a moment. "Well it was, but when I was cursed by that Devil Gene...things weren't the same after that"

"What do you mean?"


Hey guys!!! Sorry not updating for sooo long ;-; I've been dealing with exams in the past week and now I had writers's block >< but now I'm back!!

*pops confetti*

So I might change my updating schedule to this book and my other books ^_^


Mysty out~!

Peace (Jin Kazama x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now