| What are you doing here?! |

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Having Literature as your course is fun (that's author-chan's dream course ^_^) some people may like it, some may don't. We are assigned on the topic "Something New, Something Unique" report and it was due and the end of the quarter...which is in 2 months.

After class I went out of the building to see a black limo parked upfront. Some students were surrounding the limo until a man in a suit came out of the passenger seat. He saw me and grabbed my bookbag.

"H-Hey what are doing?" I asked the suited man, he didn't respond but grabbed my upper arm and practically dragged me to window until it rolled down. "J-Jin what are you doing here...?" I asked. "I'll tell you later now get in because these kids are annoying me" kids? Don't you mean adults? I thought. I get in the car and scrolled down my phone until my phone was taken. "Hey give me my phone back Jin, so there won't be any problems" I glance at my right to see Jin clearly staring  into my soul. He said.

"Devil (Y/n)..."


"Devil (Y/n) wake up from your slumber.."

"What are you-ughhh!!!!" My breathing became heavy and my vision began to blur. Soon after darkness took over me.


My eyes flutter open and soon after my head started to ache. What? Where am I?

"Glad to see your awake" I pivot my head to my right to see Jin sitting in a chair a few feet away me. "Jin...what is this place....rather where are we?" I asked, sitting upright and scanning my surroundings. "I didn't expect a mix breed like to have the Devil Gene in you... itsrather pleasing to be honest" Jin said, standing up from his chair and walking towards me. "Is that a threat or compliment?" I harshly asked. "Well its up to you what you think of it....Anyways, I kinda curious  how strong is your Devil Powers and also what do you look like" completely  shocked, I stood from the couch and said.

"Its none of your business to know this stuff...also why do you even care to know? You have your own Devil Gene inside your body.... I can't even portray what your motive is" I spat out. "You'll soon find out..." on cue Jin walked out the room, leaving me in utter confusement and irritation.

"Instead of walking away, just tell me why am I here for!!" I yelled. Then in the distance i heard very similiar voices. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?! Are in there??" Dad!
"(Y/n)?? I can hear you but I can't see you!!" Mom!!!

"Mom, Dad, where are you guys?? Are you near me??" I yelled frantically. I decided to ran towards my parent's voice. After a while of running, I saw my parents in glass cages surrounded by soldiers.

"Hey you little airheads!"

Peace (Jin Kazama x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now