I picked up the hoodie and sniffed it, taking comfort in Mitch’s soft vanilla scent. I set the hoodie down on my pillow and popped in my earphones, leaving my bedroom.

                Without bothering to see if my mom needed anything from me, I hurried out of the house. I pulled out my phone once I was a safe distance away and texted my friend Max, asking if he wanted to hang out. He texted me back, telling me to come to his house.

                I walked to Max’s house and rang the doorbell. His mom let me in and I made my way to his bedroom, letting myself in.

                “Hey Jace,” Max said. He was sitting with our friends Jake and Sparky.

                “Hey guys,’ I said, sitting down. I forced myself not to grin as I noticed the mixed drinks they had in front of them.

                “Mix Jace a drink,” Max sad to Sparky.

                Sparky nodded and grabbed a cup, pouring various alcohol and juice into it before handing it to me. “It’s kind of strong, so drink it slow, man. It’ll creep up on you,” he warned as I took it from him.

                “Got it,” I said, taking a big gulp of it and loving the way it burned down my throat.

                “Where’s Shane?” I asked. I didn’t want him to come, but Max usually invited all of us.

                “I haven’t texted him yet. I was going to text you guys in about an hour. I didn’t think you’d be up yet,” he said with a shrug.

                “Shane’s probably not up yet,” I said, checking the time. “I’m only up because my mom woke me up.”

                Max laughed. “That sucks. But, anyways, it’s good to see you again. I haven’t seen you in months,” he said.

                “Me either,” Sparky said.

                “I’ve sadly seen you all year,” Jake said with a dramatic sigh.

                “Yea, well, that’s what you get for going to the same the college as me. You get the pleasure of seeing me constantly,” I said with a grin.

                “I also got the pleasure of almost walking in on you having sex with Pete,” he said, making a face. “Dear god. That was so uncomfortable.”

                “At least you understand it’s a pleasure,” I said with a wink.

                “I’ll be sure to return the favor by letting you walk in on me having sex,” Jake said.

                “I’d rather not be scarred for life,” I said, taking another swallow of my drink.

                I eyed my friends and mentally sighed. Maybe they would know something about Rio. I didn’t trust the kid.

                “Do you guys know Rio?” I asked.

                “Rio who?” Sparky asked.

                “The only Rio in the entire town, dumbass. Rio Snyder, right?” Jake said. “My older brother used to be friends with his brother until his brother got a drug problem.”

                “I don’t trust him,” I said.

                “He’s alright, I guess. A little full of himself,” Jake said, shrugging. “His brother turned out to be a total mess, but Rio always seemed pretty stable.”

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