"Ya know what?" He looked at the two of them. "Rose is a lot taller than you." Lily groaned, rolling her eyes. He always does this. When he doesn't want to answer a question he completely changes the subject. "I mean," he walked over to his ex. "you are her elder sister. By like-" he took a break to think. "four years? Never knew how short you were Lillian?"

Lily and Rose knew he was trying to avoid the subject. He always knew Lily was shorter. That's why she wore heels almost every day. Normally heels kill your feet but not for Lily. She even had the talent to run in them. Rose stood at 5'6" while Lily was 5'4". Not a big difference but enough.

"We know you're changing the subject, Jack," Lily admitted. She crossed her arms, looking up at the newest addition to the TARDIS Team. "I already called Mum and explained the whole thing. She understands but don't expect her to treat you like Prince William."

"Besides we're in Cardiff. We aren't going to Jackie. We need to fuel up." The Doctor announced.

Jack let out a sigh of relief. "Woo. Okay, great. Your mum can be scary." Lily chuckled because she knew it was true.

"Speaking of "tell mum" stuff did you happen to bring up yours and the Doctors relationship?" Rose asked, leaning her hip on the console.

"No!" The Doctor shouted, standing straight up. " W-we can't, just yet." He stuttered and pulled down a lever, parking the TARDIS.

"The Doctor's right." Lily agreed. "We both decided to hold off on telling her for a while. As long as we can."


"You know mum, Rose. Do I need to explain myself?"

Rose nodded, understanding exactly what she meant. "Yeah. You're right."

Jackie would either love the idea of them being together cause she wants Lily to be happy. That or she'll hate the idea since she knows how dangerous being with the Doctor can be. She can be extremely happy so bad it's embarrassing or completely disapprove. Either way is not enjoyable.

Jack took a grasp of Lily's elbow, pulling her to the side out of earshot. "We need to talk."

"I thought we already did?" Lily replied. "Back at the blitz, remember?"

"Yeah, but-" He ran his thumb across her elbow, pulling her in a bit closer. "I didn't get to say everything I wanted to."

Lily looked down at his hand then back to his eyes. She wondered what game he was playing? She thought they were done talking. That he was completely fine with her and The Doctor's relationship. Maybe she was wrong? Boy, she hoped not. She doesn't need to add Jack to her list of problems. Which is a very long, long list.

Before Lily could even utter out a response a loud banging on the door stopped her.

Jack, realizing how flustered Lily was, let go of her arm and gave her space as he heads to the door to open it.

"Aye!" Jack exclaimed at the visitor. "Mickey Boy! How ya been?"

"Bloody he-" Mickey stood in front of the TARDIS doors in shock. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Mickey, just come inside!" Lily was getting tired of explaining Jack to everyone. She reached over and pulled Mickey into the TARDIS shutting the door behind him.

Dreaming of a Blue Box | The Doctor {1} ✔️ (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now