Legolas Greenleaf, Prince Of Mirkwood

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You brought your bow up, pulling the arrow back. Legolas moved one hand up to correct your arms just slightly.

"I am pleased to hear this trip was not in vain for the both of us."

You looked down the arrow at the target and let out a breath before successfully letting it fly, the pointed stick landing with a solid thunk nearly in the center of the target. You let your arms drop again, your fatigue returning in waves.

"You never did tell me why you have brought me with you. I know I was not your sole purpose for visiting these airy elves."

You could feel Legolas chest rumble against your back as he chuckled silently, your mind not remembering when he stepped closer to you. Legolas reached down, taking another arrow, his arms now around you as he laid his hands atop yours while helping you knock your next arrow. You turned your head to look at him, your head already shaking slightly.

"I cannot, I already-"

"I have you," Legolas whispered as your heart beat rapidly for a completely different reason than your exhaustion.

Together, you and Legolas pulled the arrow back and held it for a moment your heart beats synced up. Between beats, you both released, the arrow flying straight and true. With a satisfying thunk, the arrow sunk deep in the center of the target. You smiled as you stared at it, the wind moving your hair gently. Slowly you dropped your bow, not at all bothered by Legolas' arms still around you. Gently, you turned as best you could, looking up at his blue eyes.

"Why is it you have brought me here?"

His eyes looked hesitant but his voice answered without a second thought. "I was summoned for a meeting. I am a part of a Fellowship tasked with destroying a weapon of great evil."

You just stared at him, positive your mouth was agape. You looked at his eyes, your head slowly starting to shake back and forth as you pieced together everything you had heard while being here. And from what you had gathered, it did not seem as though this quest was going ot be an easy one.

"The-the One Ring," you swallowed, looking now over his shoulder as your voice dropped, "You will leaving for Mordor."

Then your knees buckled and you fell, Legolas catching you as he held you to his chest. You stared blankly at nothing as he gently settled you into your chair again, placing your disgarded blanket over your legs. Kneeling before you, he then took your hands, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles as he gazed pleadingly into your eyes. But you kept your eyes away from his, fixing your gaze on the target behind him.

"When do you leave?" Your voice came out quietly, almost as if you hadn't used it for few days.


You closed your eyes slowly, tears threatening to fall. Taking a shaky breath you looked down, a tear escaping down your cheek. "And here I thought I was to spend my time recovering with you by my side."

Legolas leaned his head in, looking up at your downcast eyes. "I did not make the decision lightly. Aragorn-"

At the name of the ranger, you let out a small laugh, looking up to smile weakly at the elf in front of you. "Say no more. I would dread the day anything or anyone came between you and  your kingly brother."

Legolas did not smile, his hand reaching up as he stroked the tear off your cheek. "Know that I would have been by your side until the day we departed across the glass seas."

You leaned into his touch. "A heavy statement even for a couple that of which we are not."

Silence fell between the two of you as you gazed into each other's eyes, memories and unspoken feelings playing in your minds. Legolas' thumb stroked our cheek as another tear fell. His crystal eyes suddenly filled with so many emotions you held your breath, unsure how he would act on them. The one elf you grew up forever knowing would keep his emotions in check was slowly falling apart in front of you.

But before a tear of his own fell he moved forward, his lips coming to gently press against yours, his hand moving from your cheek to behind your neck. It wasn't hard to know what to do next, your body reacting naturally as you kissed him in return, your hands grasping onto the front of his tunic. Tears mixed with tears as lips moved in perfect unison.

All too soon, Legolas pulled away, his eyes red but his lips pulled into a sweet smile. You pulled him forward just enough to rest your forehead against his, our eyes closing contently. Legolas' fingers were in your hair as you reached up to place your hand on his cheek.

"Tarry here until I return," Legolas whispered

"If you promise to return," you whispered in reply

Legolas moved just slightly, pressing a light kiss to your nose before pulling back, nodding as your eyes connected. "I promise."


Arwen stood behind you, her hands on your shoulders as the two of you looked on to your respective men, tears threatening to fall as they looked back from their leaving Fellowship. Legolas bowed his head, placing a hand over his heart as his eyes smiled at you despite the emotion that brimmed. You placed your hand over your heart, willingly letting tears fall as you held his gaze for as long as you could.

Then he was gone, the back of his head, hair swaying in a last goodbye as he and his Fellowship began their journey for Mordor. The departure quests all dispersed, Elrond approaching you and his daughter. He too looked crestfallen but smiled good-naturedly as he took your hand in his.

"Come, Arwen, let us prepare (Y/n) for her recovery. Best we use this time to give your legs strength again that your reunion may be all the sweeter."

You smiled weakly up at the man you saw more as a father than your own. "I am ready."

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