I walked down the stairs and headed over to all my friends, who received their diplomas also.

"Wow, we have finally graduated. It hasn't felt like a year had gone by yet." Ben said, and I smiled.

"Aren't you happy that school's over now?" I teased him, and he nodded emphatically

"Yeah but still...We aren't going to be seeing too much of each other now..." he trailed off as I hit him on the back of the head.

"Of course we are silly! I am going to call all of you at least once a week, and we will all get together at least five times a month, maybe more." I told all of them, and then everyone was a part of a giant bear hug. I laughed. I'm going to miss this. My friends.

"Chantal came over and hugged me.

"I hope you're happy with him," she whispered, and I knew who she was talking about. I pulled back to look into her eyes.

"I'm completely and totally happy where I am right now." I told her truthfully, and she smiled with tears glinting in her eyes.

"I love you," she choked out and hugged me again, then went to stand by Ben, who put his arm loosely around her, and I smiled. Just maybe...

Kyle came over and tackled me.

"Have fun in your new life," he said, and I laughed.

"You're still going to be a part of it doofus!" I told him, and he smiled.

I suddenly got a text.

"Haha, you're vibrating!" Kyle teased me, and I shoved him, smiling.

Shut up," I looked at my message.

"Meet me at the corner, I have something to show you. <3" I smiled at Sven's message.

"Guys, I have to go, but I'll talk you soon okay?" I hugged them all one last time before I almost ran to the corner.

I got into Sven's car, and turned to face him. "What do you want to show me?" He looked a bit worried, and I frowned.

"Is there something wrong?" He glanced at me and smiled.

"No, nothing's wrong. We are just going for a ride." He smiled and turned back to the road. I settled back into the seat and closed my eyes.


We are here." Sven said softly as he helped me out of the car. I yawned and stretched. We have been driving for about s half hour.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around at the wall of green surrounding us. We are in a forest.

Shh, just follow me." He said, and walked over to a place that looked the same as everything else, and pulled back the branches. I gasped in wonder.

There were blues bells everywhere, and mixed with them were tons of silver rose petals. There were vines strung up between the trees with glowing lights on them, and those flower thingies that you put on your heads. I gasped again when I saw what was spread out in front of the tree.

"A picnic," I whispered, and Sven smiled.

"Yeah, I wanted to do something special for you." he told me, and led me over to the blanket.

"It's beautiful," I said while gazing around.

"So, there's some of your favorite things, you can eat whatever you want." I happily complied.

 After a while, I noticed he wasn't sitting with me anymore. I looked around, and he was sitting a little ways off, watching me. I frowned at him questioningly, and he stood, nervously rubbing his hands against his pants. He walked over swiftly, seemingly fighting with himself over something. Then I guess he decided, because he got down on one knee in front of me, and held out a small velvet box. I gasped and my hand flew to my chest. Tears pricked my eyes, and I was caught in Sven's loving gaze. He stared at me, then looked at the box.

"Alycia, my beautiful girlfriend. I know we have had some rough times, including school, and all the times after that. I know I love you and you love me, and I can't ever imagine my life without you. You are like the sun to my moon, and sky to my earth, and all those things that seem to fit together perfectly, flawlessly.

"I love you with my whole heart, and I am ready to be with you. Not just together now, but together forever.

"Will you, Alycia Summers, do me the great honor of making me the happiest man on earth? Will you marry me?" I felt love flow through me with every word he spoke.

I opened my mouth, then closed it, and opened it, but no sound came out. I had silent tears flowing down my cheeks. I gasped, and finally spoke.

"YES, of course I'll marry you!" I shouted out joyfully when he laughed and swept me up in a hug.

"That's a good answer," He told me as he slipped the beautiful ring on my finger.

I stretched up on my toes and kissed him fully.

"I'll love you forever," I promised, and I planned to keep it.


Okay, this is officially the last chapter! The next one is the epilogue *sniff*. I'm not crying... :*(

I hope all you guys who stuck with me through this book have enjoyed reading it. I hope you will leave a comment telling me what you liked and something about the book, or just leave a comment saying anything :) I thank you guys again for reading this, no matter how you found it :) <3

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