It's Done

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Here ya go :)



I looked at Sean, vowing to myself. I will get Aycia out of here. I stared at him with calm determination.

"You're going down."


He grinned at me, and motioned to Jesse to let me go. I surged out of her grip, breathing hard. He handed Alycia over to Jesse, and came closer to me. He smirked.

"You really want to fight me? I taught you all your moves, remember?" I glared at him.

"Yeah, but this time I have a reason to win." He laughed, and clapped his hands.

"This is going to be fun!" He stated, and dropped into a fighting crouch, which I quickly copied. There's no point in showing him the moves I learned without him.

He faked to my left, and circled. "I just have to stay calm," I thought to myself. Yeah, that's all.

"So, how did you like worrying whether I killed your precious girl?" He said, and I felt a burn under my skin. "Stay calm, stay calm," I chanted mentally to myself. He only wants me to get thrown off my guard.

"I wasn't worried. She can take care of herself." I told him, feigning calm. His face relaxed into surprise for a second, then his mask slipped back on. He smirked.

"Well, I was going to save this for later, but I'll say it now. Do you know what I was planning to do if you didn't show up?" He lunged to my right, and I neatly sidestepped, landing a blow to his midsection, knocking the breath out of his lungs for a second. I knew better than to try another blow, and I was right when he jumped up and tried to use an uppercut. He backed off.

"I was planning on slowly torturing her, and recording her scream and try vainly to make me stop. You know what I was looking forward to the most?" He grinned. "Hearing her screams, and knowing there was nothing you could do to stop it." By now I was totally, and completely calm. I smiled, surprising even me. He frowned, and tried again.

"Then I was going to send you a tape of it, and maybe a piece of her. A finger, or ear, or toe, whatever, just to see what you would do. Then I would have..." He didn't get a chance to finish, because I dropped to the ground as he swung his fist at me, and kicked his legs out from under him. His breath came out in a whoosh, and he hit the ground. Before he could so much as move, I was on him. I slowly drew back my fist.

"You know what I was going to do, when I got here?" I asked, and punched him. "I was going to fight you, win, and beat the living crap out of you. Slowly. Then I was going to tie you to a chair with rocks on the legs, and leisurely drive down to the river and drop you in it." While I was saying this, I kept on hitting him slowly, back and forth, back and forth. His eyes rolled, and his breath came in gasps.

He was bleeding out of his nose and mouth, and yet he laughed.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of. When I get out of here, or whatever thing you plan on doing to me, or putting me in, I'm going to find you, and your little girlfriend. And I'm going to do oh so much worse than I would. Just to torment you, I'm going to take anyone who you care about, and send them back to you. In garbage bags." He spit out, flecks of blood flying from the busted lip I gave him.

I punched him hard in the face, and stood up. He coughed, and looked up at me. I lifted my foot.

"See, there's one thing wrong with that idea." I said, and stomped on his face. His head rolled to the left, unconscious. I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "You planned on being alive when I'm through with you." I slowly stood up and faced Jesse. Her face had gone white. She opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. I shook my head.

"If you don't want to end up in jail, or worse...I suggest you guys leave." I said to every guy who was there who worked with or for Sean, and they beat it out of there like hell was on their tails. I slumped down onto the floor, tired beyond belief.

I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked up into the loving eyes of Alycia.

"I.Love.You." She said slowly, and leaned down to give me a kiss. "You have no idea how much I missed you. It was boring as hell down here." she joked, and I laughed weakly. My head snapped to the guy standing behind her, and I smiled.

Sam smiled back, and waved.

"I'm so sorry Sven, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He sobbed, and I shook my head.

"It's not your fault he was your brother. You couldn't do anything." He nodded.

"He had my parents." He whispered, and I frowned.

"Its okay. It's done." I patted his hand, and the door flew open. Tommy, Ben, and Blake strode in, each one holding up a person. I saw Sam's eyes water, and I knew the two older ones were his parents. But who was the girl? She looked only around fourteen.

"Hey guys, glad you made it. You missed all the fun, though." I gestured to Sean on the floor, and they smiled. They went over to Sam, and him and his parents hugged. Alycia ran up to the girl, and hugged her, telling her it was going to be all right.

The guys all went over to Sean, and kicked him twice each, then walked over to me. I hid a smile.

"So, how'd it go?" I asked, and they laughed.

"We were on our way here, and happened by the prisoner cells. We couldn't just leave these three here, so we brought them along. Those are, as you know, Sam's parents, Dean and Terry. The girl is Samantha. Sean murdered her parents, and that's why she was here. Sam didn't let him kill her, and she saw everything when her parents got murdered, so he brought her here, and she's been here for the past three weeks or so. She has nowhere to go." Ben said, and I looked over to where she was, and saw Alycia there. What surprised me was that James was also over there, comforting her. I smiled.

"Somehow, I don't think finding her a place will be that hard." I told the guys, and they followed my gaze, and smiled.

I stood up and cleared my throat, and everyone looked over to me. I smiled.

"Let's get out of here!" I shouted, and they all cheered. I went over to Sean and picked him up. He groaned, but didn't stir.

What are you going to do with him?" Alycia asked, and I looked over to her, smiled, and took her hand.

"Putting him where he belongs, finally. Jail." She smiled, and hugged me. I hissed, because somehow, my ribs were bruised, but smiled at her anyway.

"I knew you wouldn't do it. I'm glad you didn't kill him. I love you." She told me again. Someway, I knew that's not all she was going to say or do. I smirked at her.

"Later, you should prove it." She smiled and giggled, striking my shoulder.

"You're incorrigible." She told me.

But she never said no.


Okay, I'm planning on having one more chapter, with them all getting back, and then the epilogue. I'm sad, my baby's all grown up! *sniff* But it had to come to an end sometime. So, let me know if I missed anything, or you wanted to see something happen, or just tell me what you liked, didn't like, stuff like that! :)

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