The Truth Comes Out

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Sorry if things are going a lot fast, I just am feeling lost for ideas and am trying to wrap it up while I still have some sort of plan :)


I woke up, to find I was trapped. I shifted around sleepily, then remember what happened last night. I smiled and stretched, groaning when my body ached. I felt Sven's arms wrap tighter around me, and I looked over at his face. He was smiling in his sleep, and I kissed his nose gently. He moaned, and his eyes opened, shining brightly at me.

"Well, good morning. How are you feeling?" He asked me softly, still waking up. I smiled at him.

"Good. Last night was the best night of my life." He chuckled at what I aid.

"Me too." He told me, and went to get up. I whined a little at the draft of cold air that hit me when he lifted up the covers, and he smirked.

"I'll go make us breakfast." He said, and got dressed. I nodded and rolled over. He walked out of the room.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash! and I leaped out of bed. I hurriedly put my clothes on, and ran out into the living room, where Sven was standing, looking at the ground. I followed his gaze, and swallowed when it landed on a rock as big as my head. It had a note taped to it.

"We'll come for her." I shut my eyes and squeezed them closed, clenching my jaw. Why is this happening now?

I felt Sven's arms go around me.

"Shhh, it's okay, it'll be okay." He soothed me, and led me into the kitchen.

Why is this happening?" I asked him softly, and he gazed at me with a torn look in his eye.

"...I guess I haven't been totally honest with you. Sit down, and I'll explain everything." I frowned at that. This can't be good..


I sat down, shocked at everything I had just heard. I'm not angry at him or anything, or scared, just...trying to deal. He was staring at me, the look in eyes begging me to say something.

"Well, I can understand why you didn't tell me this sooner, but I understand. It was an accident." I told him, and he sighed so loud I swear the neighbours could hear it.

I rubbed my neck. So that was it. Sure, he told me almost everything, but not everything.

He murdered Sean's sister.

Well, not exactly murder, but Sean saw it that way, he didn't care that she had a gun on him and was about to shoot him. I guess revenge is a good motivator.

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked, gesturing to the rock. He shrugged.

"I'll call Sam, and ask him some things about what his inside guy might know." He stood to go make a call. I'll make one of my own then.

I dialed his number. It rang three times before he picked up, out of breath.

"Hey Blake, what's up?" I could hear shouting in the background, and the thud of someone hitting a mat. I frowned. He doesn't work out, does he?

"Hey, not much. This isn't really a good time, call you back?" He asked.

"Well, I just need to know if you know where Kyle is." He told me he would send him over, and I hung up. I guess since I trust Kyle the most, he would be a good person to have our backs.

Sven came back in, and walked over to me.,

"I just called Blake and asked for him to get a hold of Kyle. Kyle'll be coming along soon. I was wondering if, since I trust him the most, could we tell him, so if I can't be with you or someone like Sam, then he could be with me?" I hoped me asking was okay, and not too over the top. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"That would be perfect baby," He told me, then went to make us some food. I settled back into the couch to wait for Kyle.


I heard a knock on the door and jumped open to get it.

"I got it!" I hollered, and ran for the door. I flung it open to see James and his girlfriend Kim.

"What's up guys? Come on in." I waved them inside, and they headed to the kitchen where Sven was.

I turned my head back to the street and saw Kyle pulling into the driveway. I smiled and ran out to him.

"Hi, come on inside, we have something to tell you." I pulled on his hand. He frowned, suspicious.

"you're not pregnant, are you?" He asked, and i fake gagged.

"No, I am most definitely NOT pregnant!" I said, and he sighed.

"Good, because then I would have had to kill him." I swatted the back of his head.

"Just get inside." I ignored his whining and led him into the living room.

Sven walked in and sat down too. I shifted from foot to foot, and finally sat down. I looked at Sven, and he caught my eye, smiled, and began telling Kyle what happened.

"I was in the kitchen, and Aly was in the...bathroom," Sven stuttered, and Kyle raised his eyebrow suspiciously, but let him continue.

"Then I heard a sound like breaking glass, so I ran in here," He gestured around him. "And I found a rock lying on the ground with "We'll come for her" written on the side. So Alycia wanted to call you over, just to let you know, and since she trusts you the most, we were wondering if, when she's not with me, if you could be with her." Sven finished, and Kyle just sat there thinking for a while.

"Sure I mean, that sounds good. I only have one question." He turned to look over at me, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"What were you doing here so early, and still in your pajamas?"


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