Chapter 3: A Beautiful Warm And Cozy Night

Start from the beginning

Nathan: "Whoa. Whoa." (The snow dogs stopped moving and Nathan went to go investigate with Mason.)

Nathan: "What is it, boy? What do you smell?" (He barked and Nathan saw a fishing pole laying on top of a bucket.)

Nathan: "Trevor. Is that what you're telling me, Mas?" (Mason barked again and whimpered in sadness. Nathan looked over to the ocean and noticed what happened to him. Nathan's eyes were in shock.)

Nathan: "Oh, no

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Nathan: "Oh, no. Trevor! Stay here, Mason!" (He drew in a deep breath and dived into the water. Mason was pacing back and forth looking at the water while Nathan was searching for Trevor. Nathan was losing oxygen and he took out a breathing device that Zip and Bryce created. He breathed through the device to get some air and he puts it back in his pocket. He swam forward to look around some more and he saw Trevor slowly sinking into the darkest part below him. His eyes were wide as he swam fast to grab him. Mason was still waiting for them to come back. The water was quiet and Mason was starting to get worried. He laid down on his belly and his head was on his forearms. He started to think that they didn't make it and to that, he whimpered softly in sadness with depressing eyes. Nathan came up to the surface gasping for air and he got Trevor in his arms. Mason happily barked and helped pull Trevor onto the icy ground with his strong teeth.)

Nathan: "Thanks for waiting for us, Mason. You're a good dog." (He rubbed his head and pets him. Mason barked and looked at Trevor. Nathan felt his pulse. It was going normal, but he was pale and a little blue.)

Nathan: (Shivering) "His pulse is normal, but it won't be for long. Better get a fire going and a big one. Mason, do you want to help me get firewood?" (Mason bowed and barked in response.)

Nathan: "I'll take that as a yes." (He smiled at Mason. Back to Isabelle and Lara at the campsite.)

Lara: "Isabelle, are you okay?"

Isabelle: "Can't stop thinking about great grandfather."

Lara: "Winston?"

Isabelle: "Yes, I just wish he didn't die, you know?"

Lara: "I know, Belle. I know, but it's life. That's how it's supposed to be."

Isabelle: "I wish it wasn't."

Lara: "Well, we can't do anything to change that. It's not possible. When we die, we die. It's how it goes. We can't change the past, you know why?" (Isabelle shook her head no.)

Lara: "Because it destroys the future. It just messes everything up in your life."

Isabelle: "Oh."

Lara: "You'll understand when you get to my age. Now, I'm going to teach you how to use a weapon. So, that way if you're in danger, you'll know how to use it. Are you ready?"

Isabelle: "We're going to do it right now, here?"

Lara: "Not exactly. Let's head back into the woods."

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