21- The sword

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I back up a bit in shock. "You're not real.." I said

"Sweetie I am" my mother said while grabbing my shoulder

I gasp in shock because I felt her touch

"No, this is all in my head. You passed away when I was young" I yelled with tears beginning to swell in my eyes

"And I'm here now" she says while bracing me in a hug

I hug her back while stuffing my face into her neck

When I looked back up she was gone and so was my flames.

I checked the clock and it said 9pm.

'I don't understand how the time keeps skipping after I have these crazy moments' I said to myself as I got up to see if Rin and Yukio were back

I see Rin in a blue cast and Yukio had Advil in his hand

"Nothing major?" I asked while walking up to them

"He can't do anything physical for 4 weeks so no more using his sword" Yukio said

"It's all my fault"

"No, I should've stopped when my body couldn't take anymore hits" Rin said

"Yeah but I feel my purple flames had something to do with it"

"I'm looking more into why your flames changed color, I'm sure I'll have an answer to everything shortly. I wouldn't worry about it" Yukio said while walking upstairs.

I nod my head and went back to my room.

He's right, worrying about it will make me stressed.


Rin has to stay home for a few days so I walked to school alone. Yukio headed out early... probably trying to research my color change.

I couldn't get my mother off my mind.

That's twice now that I've been seeing these strange things.

I don't know if I should tell Yukio or not, he hasn't been acting himself.


Yukio's POV

I get to my classroom way before it started

I set down the artifact on a drawn pentagram

"I gave her the sword and her flame color started to change. I'll assume that it's working?" Yukio said to his father

"I've been consuming the energy the sword collects to make me stronger, once I have enough energy I'll take over her soul. You've done a great job Yukio, we'll see each other soon" Satan says

I hear the door open and I quickly grab the artifact and kicked away the powder forming the symbol.

It was just Y/N

"Good morning" she says

"Your flame color is a sign or strength. You're growing stronger which is what I thought. Your flames still have a hint of blue in them? Once they're 100% purple you've hit the maximum level." I said

"Oh okay, thank you for looking into it" she says, she looks a bit sad

"Something wrong?" I asked

"No just had a hard time sleeping"



Rin's POV

"I'm so bored" I yelled, laying in bed

Something shiny caught my eye. I look over and it's under Yukio's bed

I get up and reached my hand under his bed.

I grabbed it and pulled it out.

Is this Y/N's sword? Why isn't it with her? I'm so confused

I open her sword and it was cracked.

"Wait if this is her sword then Yukio...."

I put on my shoes and ran to the school.

"I knew something was up with Yukio"


Your POV

"Hey Yukio, I've been having these weird hallucinations where I see my mother. Am I going crazy? Does this have to do with my purple flames?"

"You're just sleep deprived, get some rest. I'll allow you to miss class today"

"Oh okay, thank you"

I get up and walked home.

"Uh Rin, what are you doing here?"

"Y/N this is your real sword, Yukio replaces it. That's why this sword feels different to you." Rin says while taking the sword from me

"I have to break it"

"No wait" I said grabbing it back. "We should talk to Yukio, to see what's going on"

"That's a dumb idea..... we can't talk here, lets go home" He says while grabbing my hand

We get home and we sit in my room.

"I must break this sword Y/N, it's bad news."

"How do you know?"

"Well first off it's not even your real sword. Second, that incident at the park makes me really question what Yukio has done and your flame color has changed. I've never seen that happen before."

"You're right" I was a bit hesitant before handing him the sword

Rin held both sides and stepped his foot down on the middle.

It breaks in half.

My chest felt heavy and I collapse to the floor.

"Y/N Y/N, please wake up!" Rin yelled

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