20- I'm going crazy?

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(No time to proof read, I wanna let you guys read this asap)

I sit up in bed breathing kinda fast.

I'm all sweaty and it was about 3 in the morning.

I look over at my sword that was on my nightstand.

'It wasn't just a dream' I said to myself

I grabbed it and removed the sword from its carrier, it still feels different.

I open it up and a wave of blue fills my room.

I look down at my band aid and a different color was glowing from underneath it.

I peeled back the strip, revealing the vibrant purple color.

I started panicking because I was so confused.

Something caught my eye and I look up to see some sort of figure standing in the corner of my room.

I close my sword quickly and threw a blanket over my head thinking it would protect me.

I closed my eyes repeating "you're just seeing things"

I counted to three before ripping the blanket off my head.


I slowly opened my eyes and the sun was already shining through my windows.

My clock said it was 8 AM

"What the..... It was just 3" I scratch the back off my head.

"Y/N Breakfast" I heard Yukio yell from downstairs

I stand up and get dressed. 'I'm not going crazy, I fell asleep without knowing it.. that's all' I said to myself

I walk downstairs and had breakfast with the boys.

"Say Yukio, do you mind if we had another after school practice? I want to get used to my sword." I asked

"Um the last time you stayed after you ended up getting hurt" Rin protested

"Rin I'll be okay, I'm not 5."

"I won't go to hard on her this time-" Yukio finally spoke up but Rin cut him off

"How about she trains with me? You tell us what to do like a coach and we practice together.."

"I like that idea" I said smiling at Rin

Yukio agreed.


Yukio tells us that we will be using practice swords until we get the technique down to use our real ones.

We stand a few feet apart and I raise my sword.

Yukio wants me focusing on attacking from below.

He shoots his gun and we're off.

I broke Rin's hit and push him back. He was off balance when I swung at him but his reflexes were fast.

"You're good" I tell Rin

He smirked and started getting more aggressive.

'Great, I got him wild-up' I said to myself
We were out of breath from all the running around. We both blocked most of each others attacks

Yukio decided it was time to use our real swords.

Rin opens his and he glows in blue.
I stand in awe at how cute he looks

I ready my sword and flashed a cocky look at Rin when I pulled my sword open.

A huge amount of purple and blue surrounds me.

Rin stood in shock "your color changed?"

"She's getting stronger" Yukio said 

I look down at my sword and it glistened with purple.

Yukio shot his gun

I hold my sword up blocking Rin's swing again. I can feel some sort of energy being sucked into my swords.

I force Rin back as I look at my sword again. I shake my head off the idea and focus on my practice.

I run and bent back avoiding his attack as I aimed for his legs.

Rin jumped over my hit and ducked down as I tried coming back with a top swing.

We're both out of breath and Rin looked exhausted already.

I started worrying a bit.

Yukio pushes us to continue

"Yukio, Rin needs a break" I yelled while we both were dodging hits

"I'm fine" Rin argued

"You're pushing yourself too much" I yelled back

Rin gets a bit frustrated and continued to try to attack me.

"Rin I'm done practicing"

I block another one of his hits

"I'm serious Rin"

He doesn't listen

"I SAID STOP" I yelled right as his sword came into contact with mine and he got pushed back from all of the force.

Yukio runs up to him

"Rin, Are you hurt?" Yukio asked

I stood there in shock

'Was that my fault.. did I do that?' I questioned myself

I run up to Rin and Yukio

Rin sits up holding his right arm.

"It might be broken" Yukio says while looking at it. "We'll take it to get it looked at" Yukio helps Rin up

"You were right Rin, we won't do this again. Somebody always gets hurt" I said while looking down

Yukio helped Rin get to the clinic with that nurse he knows.

I walked home instead of going, I didn't want to bother them.


I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

I can't help but feel guilty for Rin's injury. I should've listened to him, it was a bad idea.

Yukio said I've gotten stronger which is why my flames have purple in it. Am I too strong?

I cover my eyes with my arm as I sigh

"Y/N" I hear someone say

I sit up immediately "who said that?"

"Y/N it's me, you don't remember?" The voice said

I see the shadow in the corner of my room again but this time I wanted to confront it.

I pull my sword out.

"I'm not scared of you" I open my sword and my flames gave my room some light

"It's me Y/N" the figure says again walking more into the light

"Mom?" I said lowering my sword

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